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發(fā)布時間:2016-02-27 11:54:34  | 來源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責(zé)任編輯:李瀟

2月26日,國務(wù)院總理李克強向在上海舉辦的二十國集團(tuán)(G20)財長和央行行長會議發(fā)表視頻講話。[新華社 饒愛民 攝]
Chinese Premier Li Keqiang speaks in a video message to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting that opened in Shanghai, east China, Feb. 26, 2016. [Rao Aimin/Xinhua]
Distinguished Representatives,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
今年,中國首次擔(dān)任二十國集團(tuán)(G20)主席國,這也是G20財長和央行行長會議第一次在華舉行。首先,我代表中國政府,向各位來賓表示熱烈歡迎!This year is the first for China to hold the G20 presidency. It is also the first time for the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting to be held in China. On behalf of the Chinese government, let me extend a warm welcome to you all.
當(dāng)前,世界經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇與增長依然乏力,全球貿(mào)易低位徘徊,國際金融市場震蕩不已,不穩(wěn)定、不確定因素明顯增多。國際社會更加期待G20發(fā)揮領(lǐng)導(dǎo)力,推動解決面臨的突出問題,為世界經(jīng)濟(jì)復(fù)蘇和增長注入動力。年內(nèi)在杭州舉辦的G20峰會將圍繞“創(chuàng)新、活力、聯(lián)動、包容的世界經(jīng)濟(jì)”這一主題,凝聚共識,推進(jìn)合作,采取行動。相信財政金融渠道的系列會議能夠為峰會的成功作出貢獻(xiàn)。We meet at a time of sluggish world economic recovery and growth. Global trade remains at a low level. Volatilities continue in the international financial market. Destabilizing factors and uncertainties are on the rise. The international community has greater expectations for the G20 to demonstrate leadership. The G20 has a role to help resolve outstanding issues and lend impetus to world economic recovery and growth. This year, the G20 Summit will be held in Hangzhou. The theme will be "Toward an Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy". It will serve to build consensus, promote cooperation and enable actions. I am sure the meetings on fiscal and financial sectors will contribute to the success of the Summit. I believe the following are important for the G20:
——我們要加強宏觀經(jīng)濟(jì)政策協(xié)調(diào)。全球經(jīng)濟(jì)金融形勢越是嚴(yán)峻復(fù)雜,就越是需要各國同舟共濟(jì),共克時艱。G20成員國在制定本國宏觀經(jīng)濟(jì)政策時,既要考慮促進(jìn)自身增長,也要考慮外溢性影響,加強相互的溝通和協(xié)調(diào),共同維護(hù)和促進(jìn)國際金融市場穩(wěn)定。-- Macroeconomic policy coordination needs to be strengthened. The global economic and financial situation may have become more grim and complex. It is time for countries to stand together to tide over difficulties. When formulating national macroeconomic policies, G20 members need to keep in mind not just their own growth. They also need to look after the spillover effects of their policies. They need to increase communication and coordination, and work together to ensure stability of the international financial market.
——我們要推進(jìn)結(jié)構(gòu)性改革。應(yīng)對國際金融危機的實踐證明,靠量化寬松政策難以沖破制約增長的結(jié)構(gòu)性障礙,也可能帶來較多的負(fù)外部效應(yīng),著力點還是應(yīng)該放在推進(jìn)結(jié)構(gòu)性改革上。在這方面,各國的情況和做法有所不同,總的方向應(yīng)該是支持創(chuàng)新,放松管制,鼓勵競爭,擴大開放,激發(fā)經(jīng)濟(jì)增長的活力。-- Structural reforms need to be carried forward. The international financial crisis showed that quantitative easing policies could hardly remove structural obstacles to growth. They might even lead to more negative externalities. Our focus should rather remain on structural reforms. Countries face different circumstances. What is desirable is innovation, deregulation, more competition and greater openness. This way, the economy will grow more vibrant.
——我們要完善全球經(jīng)濟(jì)金融治理。前不久,國際貨幣基金組織份額改革取得了積極進(jìn)展。希望G20成員繼續(xù)推動國際金融機構(gòu)改革,完善國際貨幣體系,深化國際稅收合作,構(gòu)建更加公平、公正、開放的國際經(jīng)濟(jì)體系。-- Global economic and financial governance needs to be improved. The recent IMF quota reform made positive progress. We hope G20 members will continue to advance reform of international financial institutions. The international monetary system may be further improved and global taxation cooperation deepened. Working together, we could make the global economic system more fair, just and open.
女士們,先生們:Ladies and Gentlemen,
中國作為最大的發(fā)展中國家,同各國一道為世界經(jīng)濟(jì)增長作出了重要貢獻(xiàn)。去年,中國國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值增長6.9%,這是在經(jīng)濟(jì)總量超過了10萬億美元的高基數(shù)上取得的,在主要經(jīng)濟(jì)體中位居前列,特別是結(jié)構(gòu)調(diào)整取得積極進(jìn)展,服務(wù)業(yè)所占份額超過50%,消費對經(jīng)濟(jì)增長的貢獻(xiàn)率大幅提升。一個最大的亮點是,城鎮(zhèn)新增就業(yè)人口超過1300萬,這其中包括數(shù)百萬應(yīng)屆高校畢業(yè)生。中國經(jīng)濟(jì)增長速度放緩,但就業(yè)穩(wěn)定,而且有所增加。這表明中國在培育新動能、發(fā)展新經(jīng)濟(jì)方面已經(jīng)取得明顯成效。China is the largest developing country. It has contributed significantly to world economic growth along with other countries. China's GDP grew by 6.9% last year. That was for an economy worth over $10 trillion. The growth rate was one of the highest among major economies in the world. Positive progress has been made in structural adjustment. The service sector already accounts for over 50% of the GDP. Consumption is contributing much more to economic growth. One thing to highlight is the over 13 million new urban jobs, including new jobs created for the millions of college graduates. Though China's economic growth is lower than before, employment rate is steady and growing. That means our efforts in fostering new drivers to growth and developing new economy are paying off.
面對復(fù)雜的國際國內(nèi)形勢,我們將堅定信心,正視困難。我們不忽視存在的風(fēng)險和挑戰(zhàn),會綜合施策,進(jìn)一步發(fā)揮好中國經(jīng)濟(jì)潛力巨大、韌性很強、回旋余地廣闊的優(yōu)勢,在適度擴大總需求的同時,著力加強結(jié)構(gòu)性改革,尤其是供給側(cè)結(jié)構(gòu)性改革,持續(xù)推進(jìn)簡政放權(quán)、放管結(jié)合、優(yōu)化服務(wù)等改革,實施創(chuàng)新驅(qū)動發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略,深入推動大眾創(chuàng)業(yè)、萬眾創(chuàng)新,把億萬民眾的積極性和創(chuàng)造力調(diào)動起來,激發(fā)市場活力和社會創(chuàng)造力,不斷壯大新的發(fā)展動能,改造和提升傳統(tǒng)動能。We have the confidence to handle the complex situation at home and abroad. In the face of risks and challenges, we will not look the other way. We will tackle them head on with a holistic approach. The Chinese economy has great potential, resilience and flexibility. We will expand aggregate demand as appropriate, and focus on structural reforms. We will press ahead with supply-side structural reform, and continue to streamline administration, delegate power, enhance regulation and improve services. China's development strategy is one driven by innovation. We encourage mass entrepreneurship and innovation. We will take steps to unleash the people's enthusiasm and ingenuity as well as the market's vitality and creativity of the public. The purpose is to foster new drivers to growth and upgrade traditional growth drivers.
我們將堅持推進(jìn)金融市場化改革和法治化建設(shè),積極培育公開透明、長期穩(wěn)定健康發(fā)展的資本市場。實行以市場供求為基礎(chǔ),參考一籃子貨幣,有管理的浮動匯率機制。人民幣匯率不存在持續(xù)貶值的基礎(chǔ),將在合理均衡的水平上保持基本穩(wěn)定。中國經(jīng)濟(jì)的發(fā)展和改革開放的持續(xù)推進(jìn),也將為中國金融市場穩(wěn)定運行提供堅實的支撐。China will continue with market-oriented and rule-based financial reform. We will cultivate an open and transparent capital market and ensure that it enjoys long-term, steady and healthy development. We will pursue a managed floating exchange rate regime based on market demand and supply and with reference to a basket of currencies. There is no basis for continued depreciation of the RMB exchange rate. It will stay basically stable on an adaptable and equilibrium level. China's continued growth and reform and opening up provide a solid basis to support steady performance of its financial markets.
女士們,先生們:Ladies and Gentlemen,
中國人民剛剛歡度了新春佳節(jié)。一年之計在于春。希望大家攜手扎實推進(jìn)財政金融合作各項議程,充分發(fā)揮G20作為“國際經(jīng)濟(jì)合作主要平臺”的優(yōu)勢,為世界經(jīng)濟(jì)實現(xiàn)強勁、可持續(xù)、平衡增長作出不懈的努力。The Chinese people have just celebrated the traditional Chinese New Year. As the saying goes, plan for the whole year starts in spring. Together, let's move forward the agenda for fiscal and financial cooperation, and make the G20 a truly premier forum for international economic cooperation. Let's work together to promote strong, sustainable and balanced growth of the world economy.
預(yù)祝本次會議圓滿成功!謝謝大家!I wish this meeting a full success. Thank you very much.