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【中英文對照】習近平在塞爾維亞媒體發(fā)表署名文章《永遠的朋友 真誠的伙伴》

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-06-20 11:28:48  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

2016年6月18日,國家主席習近平在貝爾格萊德同塞爾維亞總統尼科利奇舉行會(huì )談。 [新華社]

2016年6月18日,國家主席習近平在貝爾格萊德同塞爾維亞總統尼科利奇舉行會(huì )談。 [新華社]
Chinese President Xi Jinping (L) holds talks with Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic in Belgrade, Serbia, June 18, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua]
2016年6月16日,在對塞爾維亞共和國進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)前夕,國家主席習近平在塞爾維亞《政治報》和新南斯拉夫通訊社發(fā)表題為《永遠的朋友 真誠的伙伴》的署名文章。文章如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article on leading Serbian newspaper Politika under the title of "Enduring Friendship and True Partnership" on?June 16,?ahead of his state visit to the Balkan country. The full text of the article, also carried by the Tanjug news agency, is as follows.

永遠的朋友 真誠的伙伴
中華人民共和國主席 習近平

Enduring Friendship and True Partnership
Xi Jinping
President of the People's Republic of China

應托米斯拉夫·尼科利奇總統邀請,我即將對塞爾維亞共和國進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。在這個(gè)花香四溢的季節里到訪(fǎng)美麗而充滿(mǎn)傳奇故事的友邦,令我倍感親切。我期待著(zhù)同尼科利奇總統以及塞爾維亞其他領(lǐng)導人暢敘友情、共謀合作、展望未來(lái),把中塞戰略伙伴關(guān)系推向新高度。I will be paying a state visit to the Republic of Serbia at the invitation of President Tomislav Nikolic. I am delighted to visit this friendly, beautiful and legendary country in the season of blooming flowers. I look forward to renewing friendship and exploring future cooperation with President Nikolic and other Serbian leaders with a view to taking the strategic partnership between our two countries to a new high.
塞爾維亞是中東歐和巴爾干地區重要國家,擁有悠久歷史和燦爛文化。千百年來(lái),東西方文明在這里交融碰撞,激蕩出人類(lèi)文明發(fā)展的重要成果。在這一過(guò)程中,勤勞勇敢的塞爾維亞人民譜寫(xiě)了爭取民族獨立自由的英雄史詩(shī)和追求美好幸福生活的壯麗篇章。With a long history and a splendid culture, Serbia is an important country in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) in general and the Balkans in particular. For centuries, Serbia has been a place where civilizations of the East and West meet, interact and together bring about major progress in human civilization. It is also on this land that the hard-working and brave Serbian people have left a heroic epic in their fight for national independence and freedom and written an inspiring chapter in pursuit of a happier life.
上世紀40年代,中國人民同南斯拉夫人民在東西方戰場(chǎng)英勇抗擊法西斯侵略,實(shí)現了民族解放和自由。50年代初,中國同南斯拉夫聯(lián)邦人民共和國正式建交,掀開(kāi)了中國人民同塞爾維亞人民友誼合作新的一頁(yè)。中國古代思想家孟子說(shuō):“友也者,友其德也。”60多年來(lái),兩國人民始終心手相連,彼此懷有特殊感情,跨越時(shí)空的真情厚誼歷久彌新。In the 1940s, the Chinese and the Yugoslavians fought gallantly against Fascist aggression on the Eastern and Western fronts and went on to achieve national liberation and freedom. In the early 1950s, China and the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia established diplomatic relations, opening a new chapter of friendship and cooperation between the Chinese people and the Serbian people. The ancient Chinese philosopher Mencius said, one should befriend those with virtues. Over the past six decades and more, the profound friendship and special bond between our peoples have defied the passage of time and the long distance between us to become even stronger.
塞爾維亞有句俗語(yǔ):“朋友是時(shí)間的果實(shí)。”我們不會(huì )忘記,《瓦爾特保衛薩拉熱窩》、《橋》等著(zhù)名影片曾經(jīng)激發(fā)無(wú)數中國人的愛(ài)國熱情,《啊,朋友再見(jiàn)》這首歌曲至今仍然在中國傳唱。上世紀80年代,在中國實(shí)行改革開(kāi)放政策的關(guān)鍵時(shí)期,塞爾維亞人民的成功實(shí)踐和經(jīng)驗,為中國提供了寶貴借鑒。A Serbian proverb goes, "Prijatelj je plod vremena" (friends are the fruits of time). We will never forget this: Famous movies like Walter Defends Sarajevo and Bridge once inspired the patriotic ardor of many Chinese, and to this day, Bella ciao is still widely heard in China; and in the 1980s, when China was in a crucial period of reform and opening-up, the successful experience of the Serbian people served as valuable reference for China.
我們也不會(huì )忘記,2008年中國汶川發(fā)生特大地震災害后,塞爾維亞第一時(shí)間向中國伸出援手,無(wú)私向災區人民提供了大量救災物資。2015年9月,尼科利奇總統赴北京出席中國人民抗日戰爭暨世界反法西斯戰爭勝利70周年紀念活動(dòng),更是發(fā)出了中塞兩國攜手維護戰后國際秩序、捍衛世界和平、共建人類(lèi)美好未來(lái)的最強音。Neither will we forget this: When the Chinese county of Wenchuan was hit by a massive earthquake in 2008, Serbia offered speedy assistance to China and provided a large amount of relief supplies to the people in the affected areas; and in September 2015, President Nikolic went to Beijing for the commemorative events marking the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and the World Anti-Fascist War, sending a strong message of our two countries' commitment to upholding the post-war international order, safeguarding world peace and building a better future for mankind.
我們更不會(huì )忘記,互尊互信、相互支持、合作共贏(yíng)是中塞關(guān)系的真實(shí)寫(xiě)照。無(wú)論國際形勢如何風(fēng)云變幻、中塞兩國各自如何發(fā)展變革,雙方始終充分理解和尊重彼此選擇的道路,堅定支持彼此核心利益和重大關(guān)切,致力于深化彼此政治互信和互利合作。We will never forget that China-Serbia relations have been defined by mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual support and win-win cooperation. No matter how the international situation changes and how our countries develop and transform, we have always shown full understanding and respect for each other's choices of development path, given each other firm support on issues concerning core interests and major concerns, and remained committed to deepening our political trust and mutually beneficial cooperation.
當前,中塞傳統友誼正在日益煥發(fā)出新的生機,兩國關(guān)系的深度、廣度不斷提升。近年來(lái),我同尼科利奇總統多次會(huì )晤,就鞏固傳統友誼、深化政治互信、推進(jìn)互利合作達成重要共識。2009年,中塞建立戰略伙伴關(guān)系,塞爾維亞成為第一個(gè)同中國建立戰略伙伴關(guān)系的中東歐國家。2013年,我同尼科利奇總統一道簽署《中塞關(guān)于深化戰略伙伴關(guān)系的聯(lián)合聲明》,兩國關(guān)系的戰略重要性更加突出。Today, our traditional friendship has gained fresh vitality, and the bilateral ties have grown in breadth and depth. In recent years, President Nikolic and I had a number of meetings and reached important agreement on consolidating traditional friendship, deepening political trust and advancing mutually beneficial cooperation. In 2009, our two countries established a strategic partnership, the first of its kind between a CEE country and China. In 2013, President Nikolic and I signed a joint statement on deepening China-Serbia strategic partnership, further enhancing the strategic significance of our relations.
在雙邊關(guān)系、“一帶一路”倡議、“16+1合作”等框架內,兩國務(wù)實(shí)合作不斷取得新突破,成果在中東歐地區最為突出。雙方簽署共同推進(jìn)“一帶一路”建設諒解備忘錄。匈塞鐵路、貝爾格萊德跨多瑙河大橋、E763高速公路、科斯托拉茨電站改擴建、河北鋼鐵集團收購塞爾維亞斯梅代雷沃鋼廠(chǎng)等一批重大項目先后落地,形成了兩國大項目合作整體推進(jìn)的喜人局面,取得了良好經(jīng)濟社會(huì )效益,在中東歐地區產(chǎn)生了積極影響。Both bilaterally and within the frameworks of the Belt and Road Initiative (the Initiative of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road) and China-CEEC cooperation, practical cooperation between our two countries is making breakthroughs and yielding more results than in other parts of Central and Eastern Europe. We have signed an MOU on jointly developing the Belt and Road. With the implementation of such major projects as the Belgrade-Budapest Railway, the Mihajlo Pupin Bridge, the E763 Motorway, the expansion and upgrading of Kostolac Power Plant, and the acquisition of the Smederevo steel mill by Hebei Iron and Steel Group, our cooperation on major projects is making heartening and sweeping progress, delivering economic and social benefits and a positive impact on the entire Central and Eastern European region.
兩國人文交流日趨密切,文化、教育、科技等各領(lǐng)域合作良好,黨際、地方交流頻繁。雙方簽署了《關(guān)于互設文化中心的協(xié)議》,貝爾格萊德、諾維薩德大學(xué)已經(jīng)開(kāi)設孔子學(xué)院,塞爾維亞已經(jīng)在全國100多所中小學(xué)啟動(dòng)漢語(yǔ)教學(xué)試點(diǎn)工作,貝爾格萊德中國文化中心即將啟動(dòng)建設,將為中塞兩國人民心靈相通打開(kāi)新渠道。There are closer exchanges between our peoples, sound cooperation in culture, education and science and technology, and regular inter-party and sub-national interactions. We have signed an agreement on setting up culture centers in each other's countries; the University of Belgrade and the University of Novi Sad have opened Confucius Institutes; the Chinese language is now taught on a pilot basis in more than 100 middle and primary schools in Serbia; and construction will soon start for the China Culture Center in Belgrade. All these represent new avenues of communication between our peoples.
塞爾維亞人講:“先跨越,再言語(yǔ)”,中國人常說(shuō)“行勝于言”。中國高度重視發(fā)展同塞爾維亞的關(guān)系,珍視兩國深厚的傳統友誼,愿深入挖掘互利合作潛力,實(shí)現優(yōu)勢互補,推動(dòng)兩國關(guān)系行穩致遠。我這次訪(fǎng)問(wèn)塞爾維亞,就是希望同塞方一道,通過(guò)深入交流和廣泛協(xié)商,用實(shí)實(shí)在在的行動(dòng),把中塞兩國和兩國人民更加緊密聯(lián)系在一起,做永遠的朋友、真誠的伙伴。The Serbian people believe that "prvo skoci, pa reci hop" (walk the walk, then talk the talk) while the Chinese people believe that actions speak louder than words. China attaches great importance to its relations with Serbia and values the profound tradition of China-Serbia friendship. China is ready to tap the potential of win-win cooperation by utilizing our complementarity so as to achieve steady and sustained growth of our relations. The purpose of my upcoming visit to Serbia is to engage deeply and extensively with our Serbian friends to explore concrete actions that can bring our countries and peoples closer together and ensure a lasting friendship and true partnership.
——我們要始終著(zhù)眼長(cháng)遠,堅持相互尊重、相互信任、相互理解。雙方要繼續在涉及彼此核心利益和重大關(guān)切的問(wèn)題上給予對方堅定支持,不斷提升兩國關(guān)系的戰略性和全面性。中國尊重塞爾維亞人民自己選擇的發(fā)展道路,尊重塞爾維亞主權和領(lǐng)土完整,理解塞爾維亞致力于加入歐盟的努力。-- We need to focus on the long term and always respect, trust and understand each other. We should firmly support each other on issues concerning our core interests and major concerns and work for a more strategic and comprehensive relationship. China respects the Serbian people's independent choice of development path as well as Serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and understands Serbia's efforts toward EU membership.
——我們要始終堅持互利共贏(yíng)、攜手共進(jìn)、共同發(fā)展。中國愿同塞爾維亞分享發(fā)展成果和機遇,探索和加強雙方發(fā)展戰略對接,擴大利益融合,重點(diǎn)在“一帶一路”、“16+1合作”等框架內擴大貿易和投資規模,不斷挖掘合作潛力,打造更多大項目合作,使中塞合作成為“16+1合作”的標桿和典范,切實(shí)造福兩國人民。-- We need to stay committed to pursuing win-win results and common development. China will share its development fruits and opportunities with Serbia, and work with Serbia to explore and strengthen alignment of our respective development strategies in a bid to expand converging interests, scale up trade and investment, especially in context of the Belt and Road Initiative and China-CEEC cooperation, further tap cooperation potential and facilitate greater cooperation on major projects in order to make China-Serbia cooperation a shining example for China-CEEC cooperation and bring real benefits to our two peoples.
——我們要始終致力于夯實(shí)兩國關(guān)系民意基礎。雙方應該充分發(fā)掘和利用兩國傳統友誼寶藏,開(kāi)辟新渠道、拓展新方式,加強在教育、文化、旅游等各領(lǐng)域交流合作,使中塞友誼薪火相傳。-- We need to further cement popular support for the bilateral relations. It is important for us to make the most of the reservoir of traditional friendship and find new ways and means to increase exchanges and cooperation in education, culture and tourism so that this friendship will be passed on from generation to generation.
——我們要始終在國際事務(wù)中保持密切溝通和協(xié)作。雙方應該在聯(lián)合國等國際組織和機構中相互配合,在重大國際和地區問(wèn)題上重視和照顧彼此關(guān)切。中方期待同塞方一道,為維護地區穩定和世界和平,促進(jìn)人類(lèi)共同發(fā)展繁榮作出應有貢獻。-- We need to maintain close communication and coordination in international affairs. Our two sides should work in concert at the UN and other international organizations and institutions and take care of each other's concerns on major international and regional issues. China looks forward to working with Serbia to make due contribution to regional stability, world peace and the common development and prosperity of mankind.
我相信,在雙方一道努力下,中塞兩國戰略伙伴之路必將越走越寬。I am fully convinced that with our joint efforts, the strategic partnership between China and Serbia will grow from strength to strength.