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發(fā)布時間:2016-07-13 09:45:25  | 來源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟


Statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China on the Award of 12 July 2016 of the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea Arbitration Established at the Request of the Republic of the Philippines

關(guān)于應(yīng)菲律賓共和國單方面請求建立的南海仲裁案仲裁庭(以下簡稱“仲裁庭”)于2016年7月12日作出的裁決,中華人民共和國外交部鄭重聲明,該裁決是無效的,沒有拘束力,中國不接受、不承認。With regard to the award rendered on 12 July 2016 by the Arbitral Tribunal in the South China Sea arbitration established at the unilateral request of the Republic of the Philippines (hereinafter referred to as the "Arbitral Tribunal"), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China solemnly declares that the award is null and void and has no binding force. China neither accepts nor recognizes it.
一、2013年1月22日,菲律賓共和國時任政府單方面就中菲在南海的有關(guān)爭議提起仲裁。2013年2月19日,中國政府鄭重宣布不接受、不參與菲律賓提起的仲裁,此后多次重申此立場。2014年12月7日,中國政府發(fā)表《中華人民共和國政府關(guān)于菲律賓共和國所提南海仲裁案管轄權(quán)問題的立場文件》,指出菲律賓提起仲裁違背中菲協(xié)議,違背《聯(lián)合國海洋法公約》(以下簡稱《公約》),違背國際仲裁一般實踐,仲裁庭不具有管轄權(quán)。2015年10月29日,仲裁庭作出管轄權(quán)和可受理性問題的裁決。中國政府當即聲明該裁決是無效的,沒有拘束力。中國上述立場是明確的、一貫的。1. On 22 January 2013, the then government of the Republic of the Philippines unilaterally initiated arbitration on the relevant disputes in the South China Sea between China and the Philippines. On 19 February 2013, the Chinese government solemnly declared that it neither accepts nor participates in that arbitration and has since repeatedly reiterated that position. On 7 December 2014, the Chinese government released the Position Paper of the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Matter of Jurisdiction in the South China Sea Arbitration Initiated by the Republic of the Philippines, pointing out that the Philippines' initiation of arbitration breaches the agreement between the two states, violates the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and goes against the general practice of international arbitration, and that the Arbitral Tribunal has no jurisdiction. On 29 October 2015, the Arbitral Tribunal rendered an award on jurisdiction and admissibility. The Chinese government immediately stated that the award is null and void and has no binding force. China's positions are clear and consistent.
二、菲律賓單方面提起仲裁,目的是惡意的,不是為了解決與中國的爭議,也不是為了維護南海的和平與穩(wěn)定,而是為了否定中國在南海的領(lǐng)土主權(quán)和海洋權(quán)益。菲律賓提起仲裁的行為違反國際法。一是菲律賓提起仲裁事項的實質(zhì)是南沙群島部分島礁的領(lǐng)土主權(quán)問題,有關(guān)事項也必然涉及中菲海洋劃界,與之不可分割。在明知領(lǐng)土問題不屬于《公約》調(diào)整范圍,海洋劃界爭議已被中國2006年有關(guān)聲明排除的情況下,菲律賓將有關(guān)爭議刻意包裝成單純的《公約》解釋或適用問題。二是菲律賓單方面提起仲裁,侵犯中國作為《公約》締約國享有的自主選擇爭端解決程序和方式的權(quán)利。中國早在2006年即根據(jù)《公約》第298條將涉及海洋劃界、歷史性海灣或所有權(quán)、軍事和執(zhí)法活動等方面的爭端排除出《公約》強制爭端解決程序。三是菲律賓單方面提起仲裁,違反中菲兩國達成并多年來一再確認的通過談判解決南海有關(guān)爭議的雙邊協(xié)議。四是菲律賓單方面提起仲裁,違反中國與包括菲律賓在內(nèi)的東盟國家在2002年《南海各方行為宣言》(以下簡稱《宣言》)中作出的由直接有關(guān)當事國通過談判解決有關(guān)爭議的承諾。菲律賓單方面提起仲裁,違反了《公約》及其適用爭端解決程序的規(guī)定,違反了“約定必須遵守”原則,也違反了其他國際法原則和規(guī)則。2. The unilateral initiation of arbitration by the Philippines is out of bad faith. It aims not to resolve the relevant disputes between China and the Philippines, or to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea, but to deny China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea. The initiation of this arbitration violates international law. First, the subject-matter of the arbitration initiated by the Philippines is in essence an issue of territorial sovereignty over some islands and reefs of Nansha Qundao (the Nansha Islands), and inevitably concerns and cannot be separated from maritime delimitation between China and the Philippines. Fully aware that territorial issues are not subject to UNCLOS, and that maritime delimitation disputes have been excluded from the UNCLOS compulsory dispute settlement procedures by China's 2006 declaration, the Philippines deliberately packaged the relevant disputes as mere issues concerning the interpretation or application of UNCLOS. Second, the Philippines' unilateral initiation of arbitration infringes upon China's right as a state party to UNCLOS to choose on its own will the procedures and means for dispute settlement. As early as in 2006, pursuant to Article 298 of UNCLOS, China excluded from the compulsory dispute settlement procedures of UNCLOS disputes concerning, among others, maritime delimitation, historic bays or titles, military and law enforcement activities. Third, the Philippines' unilateral initiation of arbitration violates the bilateral agreement reached between China and the Philippines, and repeatedly reaffirmed over the years, to resolve relevant disputes in the South China Sea through negotiations. Fourth, the Philippines' unilateral initiation of arbitration violates the commitment made by China and ASEAN Member States, including the Philippines, in the 2002 Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC) to resolve the relevant disputes through negotiations by states directly concerned. By unilaterally initiating the arbitration, the Philippines violates UNCLOS and its provisions on the application of dispute settlement procedures, the principle of "pacta sunt servanda" and other rules and principles of international law.
三、仲裁庭無視菲律賓提起仲裁事項的實質(zhì)是領(lǐng)土主權(quán)和海洋劃界問題,錯誤解讀中菲對爭端解決方式的共同選擇,錯誤解讀《宣言》中有關(guān)承諾的法律效力,惡意規(guī)避中國根據(jù)《公約》第298條作出的排除性聲明,有選擇性地把有關(guān)島礁從南海諸島的宏觀地理背景中剝離出來并主觀想象地解釋和適用《公約》,在認定事實和適用法律上存在明顯錯誤。仲裁庭的行為及其裁決嚴重背離國際仲裁一般實踐,完全背離《公約》促進和平解決爭端的目的及宗旨,嚴重損害《公約》的完整性和權(quán)威性,嚴重侵犯中國作為主權(quán)國家和《公約》締約國的合法權(quán)利,是不公正和不合法的。3. The Arbitral Tribunal disregards the fact that the essence of the subject-matter of the arbitration initiated by the Philippines is issues of territorial sovereignty and maritime delimitation, erroneously interprets the common choice of means of dispute settlement already made jointly by China and the Philippines, erroneously construes the legal effect of the relevant commitment in the DOC, deliberately circumvents the optional exceptions declaration made by China under Article 298 of UNCLOS, selectively takes relevant islands and reefs out of the macro-geographical framework of Nanhai Zhudao (the South China Sea Islands), subjectively and speculatively interprets and applies UNCLOS, and obviously errs in ascertaining facts and applying the law. The conduct of the Arbitral Tribunal and its awards seriously contravene the general practice of international arbitration, completely deviate from the object and purpose of UNCLOS to promote peaceful settlement of disputes, substantially impair the integrity and authority of UNCLOS, gravely infringe upon China's legitimate rights as a sovereign state and state party to UNCLOS, and are unjust and unlawful.
四、中國在南海的領(lǐng)土主權(quán)和海洋權(quán)益在任何情況下不受仲裁裁決的影響,中國反對且不接受任何基于該仲裁裁決的主張和行動。4. China's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the South China Sea shall under no circumstances be affected by those awards. China opposes and will never accept any claim or action based on those awards.
五、中國政府重申,在領(lǐng)土問題和海洋劃界爭議上,中國不接受任何第三方爭端解決方式,不接受任何強加于中國的爭端解決方案。中國政府將繼續(xù)遵循《聯(lián)合國憲章》確認的國際法和國際關(guān)系基本準則,包括尊重國家主權(quán)和領(lǐng)土完整以及和平解決爭端原則,堅持與直接有關(guān)當事國在尊重歷史事實的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)國際法,通過談判協(xié)商解決南海有關(guān)爭議,維護南海和平穩(wěn)定。5. The Chinese government reiterates that, regarding territorial issues and maritime delimitation disputes, China does not accept any means of third party dispute settlement or any solution imposed on China. The Chinese government will continue to abide by international law and basic norms governing international relations as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, including the principles of respecting state sovereignty and territorial integrity and peaceful settlement of disputes, and continue to work with states directly concerned to resolve the relevant disputes in the South China Sea through negotiations and consultations on the basis of respecting historical facts and in accordance with international law, so as to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea.