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【中英文對照】習近平在秘魯媒體發(fā)表署名文章《共圓百年發(fā)展夢 同譜合作新華章》

發(fā)布時間:2016-11-18 17:01:03  | 來源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

11月17日,在對秘魯共和國進行國事訪問前夕,國家主席習近平在秘魯《商報》發(fā)表題為《共圓百年發(fā)展夢 同譜合作新華章》的署名文章。文章如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping published a signed article in the leading Peruvian newspaper El Comercio under the title "Join Hands to Fulfill Centenary Dreams and Strive for New Progress in Cooperation" on Thursday, ahead of his state visit to the Latin American country. The English translated version of the article is as follows.

共圓百年發(fā)展夢 同譜合作新華章

Join Hands to Fulfill Centenary Dreams and Strive for New Progress in Cooperation
By H.E. Xi Jinping
President of the People's Republic of China

應庫琴斯基總統(tǒng)邀請,我即將來秘魯出席亞太經(jīng)合組織第二十四次領導人非正式會議并對秘魯進行國事訪問。庫琴斯基總統(tǒng)9月訪華,我11月對秘魯進行國事訪問,中秘兩國元首在2個月內(nèi)實現(xiàn)互訪,將傳遞出新形勢下中秘攜手合作、共謀發(fā)展的積極信號。I am looking forward to coming to Peru for the 24th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting and my state visit to this country at the invitation of President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski. President Kuczynski visited China in September. By the time of my visit, the presidents of China and Peru will have exchanged visits in less than two months. This will send a strong signal of China and Peru working together for common development.
時隔8年,秘魯再度擔任亞太經(jīng)合組織會議東道主,為深化亞太合作作出了新的重要貢獻。中國全力支持秘魯辦會,共同推動會議取得積極成果。This would be the second time for Peru to play host to the leaders of APEC economies in eight years. It marks another new and important contribution Peru makes to Asia-Pacific cooperation. Peru will have China's full support and cooperation in facilitating positive outcomes of the meeting.
上世紀90年代,我訪問過秘魯,給我留下美好印象。秘魯山水雄奇,資源稟賦得天獨厚,“南美洲脊梁”安第斯山脈縱貫南北,亞馬孫河浩浩蕩蕩,是礦產(chǎn)、能源、森林、生物資源的聚寶盆。秘魯人民勤勞勇敢,歷史文化底蘊深厚,印加文明悠久燦爛,馬丘比丘遺址、納斯卡地畫等古文明瑰寶令人向往,《山鷹之歌》等安第斯民歌旋律悠揚,深受世界各國人民喜愛。I still recall my visit to Peru in the 1990s, which left me deeply impressed by the majestic landscape and rich natural endowments of this country. The Andes Mountains, "the backbone of South America," extends from North to South, and the mighty Amazon has nourished a treasure house of minerals, fossil fuel, forests and biological resources. Peru is also known for its hard-working and courageous people, who created a time-honored history and rich culture. Its dazzling cultural heritage such as the Inca civilization, Machu Picchu and Nazca Lines are favored destinations for international visitors. El Condor Pasa and other Andean folk melodies are popular all over the world.
中秘有著傳統(tǒng)友好關系,兩國交往源遠流長。早在400多年前,中國人不畏驚濤駭浪,開辟出跨越太平洋的海上絲綢之路,自此兩國往來絡繹不絕。近1個多世紀以來,許多中國人遠赴秘魯,在這片熱土上尋覓幸福生活。他們同秘魯人民一起辛勤勞作,為秘魯國家建設作出積極貢獻,也成為最早在秘魯傳播中華文化的友好使者。如今,擁有中國血統(tǒng)的秘魯人占全國總人口近十分之一,秘魯人民親切地把中國人稱為“老鄉(xiāng)”,說明兩國傳統(tǒng)友好已經(jīng)深深扎根在兩國人民心間,這是我們兩國共有的寶貴財富。China and Peru enjoy a long and deep friendship. Back more than 400 years ago, braving storms and waves, the Chinese people opened a maritime Silk Road across the Pacific. The Chinese and the Peruvians have been visiting each other ever since. In the past 100 years, a large number of Chinese traveled to Peru to seek a life of happiness on this promising land. They worked diligently with the local people and actively contributed to Peru's development. They were the first generation of friendship envoys who brought Chinese culture to Peru. Today, nearly one tenth of the Peruvian population descended from Chinese ancestry. The Chinese are even called by an affectionate nickname in Peru the "paisano" (old pal), showing the deep roots of friendship between our peoples. This is a valuable asset shared by our two countries.
秘魯是最早同新中國建交的拉美國家之一。建交45年來,雙方堅持相互尊重、平等相待,堅定支持對方核心利益和重大關切,積累了深厚政治互信。這奠定了中秘關系發(fā)展的重要基石。目前,兩國已經(jīng)建立全面戰(zhàn)略伙伴關系,這是中國同拉美國家關系的最高水平定位,體現(xiàn)了雙方高水平的政治互信。Peru was one of the first Latin American countries to establish diplomatic ties with the People's Republic of China. Over the past 45 years of our diplomatic relations, we have treated each other with respect and equality, firmly supported each other on issues concerning our respective core interests and major concerns and developed strong political trust, which formed the cornerstone of China-Peru relations. Our two countries have established a comprehensive strategic partnership, the highest level of relations between China and Latin American countries, which embodies the high degree of our political mutual trust.
盡管近年來世界經(jīng)濟形勢“寒風凜冽”,但中秘務實合作“春意盎然”。兩國貿(mào)易保持增長勢頭。2015年,雙邊貿(mào)易額近150億美元,創(chuàng)歷史新高。今年1至8月,雙邊貿(mào)易額同比增長9%,其中秘魯對華出口增長21.8%。多年來,中國一直是秘魯?shù)谝淮筚Q(mào)易伙伴、第一大出口市場、第一大進口來源國。秘魯成為吸引中國投資最多的拉美國家之一,超過170家中國企業(yè)在秘魯投資興業(yè),各類投資累計超過140億美元,為秘魯創(chuàng)造了上萬個就業(yè)崗位,增加了政府稅收,有力帶動了當?shù)亟?jīng)濟社會發(fā)展。Despite the wintry state of the global economy in recent years, China and Peru are enjoying spring in their practical cooperation. Bilateral trade has remained on an upward trajectory, hitting a record level of nearly 15 billion U.S. dollars in 2015. In the first eight months of this year, trade grew by 9 percent year-on-year, outpaced by a 21.8 percent uptick in Peruvian exports to China. China has been Peru's largest trading partner, export market and source of import for years, and Peru has become one of the top destinations in Latin America for Chinese investment. Over 170 Chinese businesses have invested more than 14 billion dollars in Peru, helping to create tens of thousands of jobs and new sources of tax revenue for local communities and benefiting economic and social development in this country.
中秘人文交流十分活躍,兩國人民感情好上加好、親上加親。雙方文化、教育、科技、衛(wèi)生、媒體、智庫、青年、司法等領域交流合作不斷增多,越來越多秘魯民眾特別是青年學生希望學習漢語、了解中華文化。秘魯4所孔子學院注冊學員超過4000名。我們歡迎更多秘魯人到中國走一走、看一看。中國人民欣賞印加文明,越來越多中國人希望來秘魯旅游觀光。The robust people-to-people exchanges between Chinese and Peruvian peoples have brought them even closer to each other. Exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, science and technology, health and the judicial sector as well as between media, think tanks and youths are growing. More and more Peruvians, especially students, want to study Chinese and learn more about Chinese culture. The four Confucius Institutes in Peru have attracted more than 4,000 registered students. We welcome more Peruvians to visit China. More and more Chinese admirers of the Inca civilization are hoping to visit Peru as tourists.
中秘兩國在國際和地區(qū)事務中也保持著密切溝通和協(xié)調(diào),共同維護發(fā)展中國家整體利益。無論是在聯(lián)合國改革、氣候變化、可持續(xù)發(fā)展等重大國際議題上,還是在促進亞太合作、拉美一體化、中拉整體合作等地區(qū)性問題上,我們兩國總是有著相同或相似立場,彼此呼應、相互支持。China and Peru have maintained close communication and coordination on international and regional affairs to jointly uphold the common interests of developing countries. We hold the same or similar views and have consistently echoed and supported each other's positions, be it on key international issues such as UN reform, climate change, sustainable development or regional ones like Asia-Pacific cooperation, Latin American integration and cooperation between China and Latin America.
我認為,中秘關系之所以發(fā)展蓬勃、動力強勁,得益于兩國友好的牢固民意基礎,得益于雙方極強的經(jīng)貿(mào)互補性和合作意愿,得益于兩國歷屆政府均重視發(fā)展雙邊關系的正確抉擇。當前,中國人民正在為實現(xiàn)“兩個一百年”奮斗目標、實現(xiàn)中華民族偉大復興的中國夢而努力,秘魯人民也在為2021年獨立200周年之際建成“公正、公平、團結的秘魯”而不懈努力。我們夢想相同、心靈相通,深化全方位合作恰逢其時。I believe that the tremendous progress and strong momentum in China-Peru ties is attributable to the extensive public support for our friendship, to our enormous economic complementarity and enthusiasm toward cooperation and to the right decision of successive governments of both countries to place high importance on this relationship. The Chinese people are working vigorously to attain the two centenary goals, namely, completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the Communist Party's centenary in 2021 and building a prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious country by the centenary of the People's Republic in 2049, and the Chinese dream of great national renewal. The Peruvian people are making relentless efforts toward a just, fair and united Peru by the bicentennial of Peru's independence in 2021. Cherishing the same dream and vision, it is only natural that we should push forward all-round cooperation.
——我們要深化政治互信,在前進道路上結伴同行。雙方要堅持從戰(zhàn)略高度和長遠角度看待兩國關系,理解和支持對方核心利益和重大關切,確保中秘關系長期穩(wěn)定發(fā)展。我多次說過,“鞋子合不合腳,只有自己知道”。中國支持秘魯探索符合本國國情的發(fā)展道路,愿同秘方加強治國理政經(jīng)驗交流,在各自國家建設中取得更大成就。-- We need to deepen political mutual trust and remain partners for each other on the way ahead. We should continue to view our relations from a strategic and long-term perspective, understand and support each other on issues concerning core interests and major concerns and ensure the sustained and steady growth of bilateral ties. I have said on many occasions, "Only the wearer knows if the shoes fit or not." China supports Peru in exploring a development path suited to its national conditions and stands ready to enhance the sharing of experience on governance to make greater achievements in our respective development endeavors.
——我們要擴大務實合作,推動實現(xiàn)共同發(fā)展繁榮。中秘是天然合作伙伴,務實合作領域?qū)挕⒁?guī)模大、成果多,建立了經(jīng)濟合作戰(zhàn)略對話、經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易混合委員會等機制。雙方要通過制定和實施兩國共同行動計劃,統(tǒng)籌推進下階段務實合作。中方建議加強兩國產(chǎn)能和投資合作,愿為秘方提供工業(yè)化所需全部裝備和技術,并提供人員培訓和配套融資,幫助秘魯實現(xiàn)經(jīng)濟多元化發(fā)展,實現(xiàn)兩國合作質(zhì)量和效益雙豐收。-- We need to expand practical cooperation and promote common development and prosperity. China and Peru are natural partners on the strength of our wide-ranging, large-scale and fruitful cooperation. We have set up mechanisms such as the strategic dialogue on economic cooperation and the joint committee on economic cooperation and trade. We need to formulate and implement a well-structured action plan to guide our practical cooperation in the years to come. China suggests that we intensify production capacity and investment cooperation. We are ready to provide Peru with all the equipment and technology it needs for industrialization, supported by personnel training and matching funds. This will be conducive to Peru's efforts toward diversified economic development, and raise the quality and efficiency of bilateral cooperation.
——我們要加強文明互鑒,夯實中秘關系民意基礎。國之交在于民相親。我們要擴大文化、教育、科技、旅游等領域交流合作,為兩國人民加強往來提供更多便利。中方歡迎更多秘魯學生來華學習,推動兩國青年加強交流,讓兩國傳統(tǒng)友誼薪火相傳。-- We need to promote cultural exchange and cement public support for our relations. Amity between the people holds the key to sound state-to-state relations. We need to expand exchanges and cooperation in culture, education, science and technology and tourism and facilitate the interflow of people between our two countries. China welcomes more Peruvian students to study in China and supports more youth exchanges to pass on our traditional friendship from one generation to the next.
——我們要加強在國際和地區(qū)事務中的協(xié)作,維護共同利益。世界持久和平、持續(xù)發(fā)展進步是人類的共同心愿。中方愿同秘方一道,在重大國際和地區(qū)問題上密切溝通和配合,共同推進以合作共贏為核心的新型國際關系,為打造人類命運共同體和利益共同體作出貢獻。-- We need to strengthen cooperation in international and regional affairs to uphold common interests. Lasting peace and sustained progress is the shared aspiration of all humanity. China hopes to work with Peru to maintain close communication and cooperation on major international issues, build a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation and contribute to a community of shared interests and shared future for all mankind.
中秘友好的歷史接力棒已經(jīng)傳到我們手中。讓我們攜手前行、密切合作,共圓兩國人民追求幸福生活的夢想,促進世界和平、穩(wěn)定、繁榮!The baton of China-Peru friendship is now passed to us. Let us join hands and work closely together to pursue the dream of our people for a happy life and promote peace, stability and prosperity of the world.
(Source: Xinhua)