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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2017-01-03 14:12:59  | 來源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責(zé)任編輯:李瀟

2016年12月31日,中國國家主席習(xí)近平發(fā)表新年賀詞,向全國人民送去新年祝福。 [新華社]

2016年12月31日,中國國家主席習(xí)近平發(fā)表新年賀詞,向全國人民送去新年祝福。 [新華社]
Chinese President Xi Jinping delivers a New Year speech at 7:00 o'clock Beijing time on December 31, 2016.[Photo/Xinhua]
同志們,朋友們,女士們,先生們:Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,
2016年即將過去,新年的鐘聲即將敲響。在這辭舊迎新的美好時(shí)刻,我向全國各族人民,向香港特別行政區(qū)同胞、澳門特別行政區(qū)同胞,向臺(tái)灣同胞和海外僑胞,向世界各國各地區(qū)的朋友們,致以新年的祝福!The year of 2016 is coming to an end, and the bell of the New Year is going to ring. At this happy moment of ringing out the old year and ringing in the new, I would like to extend my New Year wishes to people from all ethnic groups across China, to our compatriots from Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions, to our compatriots from Taiwan region and overseas, and to friends from all countries and regions across the world.
2016年,對中國人民來說,是非凡的一年,也是難忘的一年,“十三五”實(shí)現(xiàn)了開門紅。我們積極踐行新發(fā)展理念,加快全面建成小康社會(huì)進(jìn)程,推動(dòng)我國經(jīng)濟(jì)增長繼續(xù)走在世界前列。我們積極推進(jìn)全面深化改革,供給側(cè)結(jié)構(gòu)性改革邁出重要步伐,國防和軍隊(duì)改革取得重大突破,各領(lǐng)域具有四梁八柱性質(zhì)的改革主體框架已經(jīng)基本確立。我們積極推進(jìn)全面依法治國,深化司法體制改革,全力促進(jìn)司法公正、維護(hù)社會(huì)公平正義。我們積極推進(jìn)全面從嚴(yán)治黨,堅(jiān)定不移“打虎拍蠅”,繼續(xù)純凈政治生態(tài),黨風(fēng)、政風(fēng)、社會(huì)風(fēng)氣繼續(xù)好轉(zhuǎn)。For the Chinese people, the year of 2016 is not only outstanding but also unforgettable. We made a good start of the 13th 5-year National Development Period which spans from 2016 to 2020. We actively carried out the new development concept, accelerated the process of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way, maintained our economic growth ranking the first in the world. We vigorously pushed forward the comprehensive deepening of reform, made important steps in terms of supply-side structural reform, achieved remarkable breakthroughs in the reform of national defense and the military, and the main frame of reform in all fields with "multiple pillars" has been established. We actively promoted the building of a law-based governance of the country, deepened the reform on the judicial system, enhanced judicial justice in an all-round way, and maintained social fairness and justice. We vigorously pushed forward the exercise of our Party's strict governance in every respect, unswervingly cracked down on both "tigers" and "flies", in a bid to purify our political ecosystem, and continue to improve our Party and our government's working style, as well as our social conduct.
2016年,“中國天眼”落成啟用,“悟空”號已在軌運(yùn)行一年,“墨子號”飛向太空,神舟十一號和天宮二號遨游星漢,中國奧運(yùn)健兒勇創(chuàng)佳績,中國女排時(shí)隔12年再次登上奧運(yùn)會(huì)最高領(lǐng)獎(jiǎng)臺(tái)……還有,通過改革,農(nóng)村轉(zhuǎn)移人口市民化更便利了,許多貧困地區(qū)孩子們上學(xué)條件改善了,老百姓異地辦理身份證不用來回奔波了,一些長期無戶口的人可以登記戶口了,很多群眾有了自己的家庭醫(yī)生,每條河流要有“河長”了……這一切,讓我們感到欣慰。In the year of 2016, the Chinese "sky-eye" single-aperture spherical telescope came into use officially, the "WuKong" dark matter detection satellite was under operation in the orbit for a year, the "Mozi" quantum satellite was launched into space, the Shenzhou-11 manned spaceship and the Tiangong-2 space lab traveled through the Galaxy, the Chinese Olympians made outstanding achievements, including the Chinese Women's Volleyball team's becoming the Olympic champion again, which is 12 years after they won the title. Furthermore, our reform measures have made it a little easier for rural migrant workers to settle down in urban areas, and the condition for many children from impoverished areas to receive education has also improved, people don't need to shuttle back and forth between different places when they apply for an identity card in non-native places, some people without permanent household residence for a long time can finally get access to social welfare, many people even have got their own family doctors, and "river chiefs" will be appointed across China for better protection of water resources against pollution in the country. All those efforts make us feel a sense of achievement.
2016年,在美麗的西子湖畔,我們舉辦了二十國集團(tuán)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人第十一次峰會(huì),向世界貢獻(xiàn)了中國智慧、中國方案,也向世界展示了美輪美奐的中國印象、中國風(fēng)采。“一帶一路”建設(shè)快速推進(jìn),亞洲基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施投資銀行正式開張。我們堅(jiān)持和平發(fā)展,堅(jiān)決捍衛(wèi)領(lǐng)土主權(quán)和海洋權(quán)益。誰要在這個(gè)問題上做文章,中國人民決不答應(yīng)!In the year of 2016, near the beautiful West Lake in Hangzhou city, we held the 11th G20 Leaders' Summit, we shared our thoughts with world leaders and proposed our ideas, and also presented to the world the magnificent, impressive and elegant image of China. The projects under "One Belt and One Road" Initiative was also pushed forward, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank officially started operation. We have adhered to the peaceful development while resolutely safeguarding the territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests of China. We will never tolerate any act that undermines our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights.
這一年,多地發(fā)生的自然災(zāi)害和安全事故,給人民生命財(cái)產(chǎn)和生產(chǎn)生活造成嚴(yán)重?fù)p失,我們深感痛惜。中國維和部隊(duì)的幾名同志壯烈犧牲,為世界和平獻(xiàn)出了寶貴生命,我們懷念他們,要把他們的親人照顧好。In the year of 2016, natural disasters and industrial accidents took place in many places across China, bringing severe losses on people's life and property, as well as production. We deeply regret those mishaps. On the international front, a few comrades from China's peacekeeping troops have sacrificed their lives while serving their duty to safeguard world peace, we mourn the loss of these soldiers and will repay high tribute to them by taking a good care of their loved ones.
2016年,我們隆重慶祝了中國共產(chǎn)黨成立95周年、紀(jì)念了中國工農(nóng)紅軍長征勝利80周年,我們要牢記為中國人民和中華民族作出貢獻(xiàn)的前輩們,不忘初心、繼續(xù)前進(jìn)。In the year of 2016, we held grand ceremonies to mark a series of important anniversaries including the 95th founding anniversary of the Communist Party of China, and the 80th anniversary of the triumph of the Long March by the Red Army of Chinese workers and peasants. We will always cherish the memory of the forefathers who have made great contributions to the Chinese people and the Chinese nation. We will remain committed to our mission, and continue to forge ahead.
同志們,朋友們,女士們,先生們:Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,
“新故相推,日生不滯。”即將到來的2017年,中國共產(chǎn)黨將召開第十九次全國代表大會(huì),全面建成小康社會(huì)、全面深化改革、全面依法治國、全面從嚴(yán)治黨要繼續(xù)發(fā)力。天上不會(huì)掉餡餅,努力奮斗才能夢想成真。An ancient saying goes, "the world moves on in a never-ending process of the new replacing the old." In the upcoming year of 2017, the Communist Party of China will convene its 19th national congress, an occasion to renew our commitment to the comprehensive building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to the comprehensive deepening of reforms, to the comprehensive advancement of rule of law, and to the comprehensive exercising of self-governance of the party. No fruit will be reaped without hard work. We will be rewarded with achievements only after tireless endeavors.
小康路上一個(gè)都不能掉隊(duì)!一年來,又有1000多萬貧困人口實(shí)現(xiàn)了脫貧,奮戰(zhàn)在脫貧攻堅(jiān)一線的同志們辛苦了,我向同志們致敬。新年之際,我最牽掛的還是困難群眾,他們吃得怎么樣、住得怎么樣,能不能過好新年、過好春節(jié)。我也了解,部分群眾在就業(yè)、子女教育、就醫(yī)、住房等方面還面臨一些困難,不斷解決好這些問題是黨和政府義不容辭的責(zé)任。全黨全社會(huì)要繼續(xù)關(guān)心和幫助貧困人口和有困難的群眾,讓改革發(fā)展成果惠及更多群眾,讓人民生活更加幸福美滿。We will make sure that no one is left behind on our way to prosperity. Over the past year, 10 million more people across the country have been lifted out of poverty. I would like to pay high tribute and express appreciation to the comrades who have worked tremendously in grass root units in fighting poverty. As we greet the New Year, there is one thing that remains most dearly attached to my heart. That is those fellow citizens who still live in hardship. I'm seriously concerned and wonder how their food supply and accommodation are being maintained, how they are celebrating the New Year and the Spring Festival. I'm aware that some folks are faced with difficulties in employment, children's education, medical care and housing. To ceaselessly solve those problems remain an unshirkable responsibility for the party and the government. The whole party and the whole society should show continued care and offer help to those fellow citizens living in poverty. We will enable more people to enjoy the fruit of our reforms, and ultimately let all the people in this country live in happiness.
上下同欲者勝。只要我們13億多人民和衷共濟(jì),只要我們黨永遠(yuǎn)同人民站在一起,大家擼起袖子加油干,我們就一定能夠走好我們這一代人的長征路。As one saying goes, "success comes to those who share in one purpose". So long as the 1.3 billion people pull together in forging ahead, the party stands identified with the people, and the nation remains mobilized for brand new endeavors, we will surely accomplish the Long March of our generation.
同志們,朋友們,女士們,先生們:Comrades, friends, ladies and gentlemen,
中國人歷來主張“世界大同,天下一家”。中國人民不僅希望自己過得好,也希望各國人民過得好。當(dāng)前,戰(zhàn)亂和貧困依然困擾著部分國家和地區(qū),疾病和災(zāi)害也時(shí)時(shí)侵襲著眾多的人們。我真誠希望,國際社會(huì)攜起手來,秉持人類命運(yùn)共同體的理念,把我們這個(gè)星球建設(shè)得更加和平、更加繁榮。The Chinese people have always believed that the world is a commonwealth. We Chinese not only aspire for good living for ourselves, but also hope people in other parts of the world lead a descent life. At present, people in certain countries and regions are still troubled in wars and turbulence; many are suffering from diseases and disasters. We sincerely hope the international community will make concerted effort, work in the belief that mankind shares the same fate as a community, and build our planet into a more peaceful and prosperous place to live in.
讓我們滿懷信心和期待,一起迎接新年的鐘聲!May the chime of the New Year consolidate our confidence and re-ignite our aspiration for an even better tomorrow!

Thank you.


(Source: CRI)
