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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-02-02 16:45:43  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

11月13日,在對老撾人民民主共和國進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)之際,中共中央總書(shū)記、國家主席習近平在老撾《人民報》、《巴特寮報》、《萬(wàn)象時(shí)報》發(fā)表題為《攜手打造中老具有戰略意義的命運共同體》的署名文章。文章如下:Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday published a signed article titled "China and Laos: Working Together for a Community of Shared Future with Strategic Significance" on mainstream Lao media the Pasaxon (the People), the Pathet Lao, and the Vientiane Times ahead of his state visit to Laos. The following is the full text of the article:


China and Laos: Working Together for a Community of Shared Future with Strategic Significance
Xi Jinping
General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and President of the People's Republic of China

應老撾人民革命黨中央委員會(huì )總書(shū)記、國家主席本揚·沃拉吉邀請,我即將對老撾人民民主共和國進(jìn)行國事訪(fǎng)問(wèn)。我曾兩次到訪(fǎng)老撾,熱情友善的老撾人民、金碧輝煌的萬(wàn)象塔鑾、風(fēng)光旖旎的湄公河畔給我留下深刻而美好的印象。我期待同老撾的新老朋友們暢敘友誼,共謀發(fā)展,共辟兩國關(guān)系美好未來(lái)。At the invitation of Bounnhang Vorachit, General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party and President of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, I will soon pay a state visit to the Lao PDR. I visited Laos twice, and was deeply impressed by its hospitable people, the golden Pha That Luang, and the beautiful scenery along the Mekong River. I look forward to renewing friendship and working with old and new friends in Laos to map out plans and open a bright new future for China-Laos relations.
中老是理想信念相通、社會(huì )制度相同、發(fā)展道路相近的社會(huì )主義友邦。建交半個(gè)多世紀以來(lái),兩黨兩國關(guān)系經(jīng)受住了時(shí)代變遷和國際風(fēng)云變幻的考驗,書(shū)寫(xiě)了動(dòng)人的佳話(huà)。毛澤東、周恩來(lái)和凱山·豐威漢等兩國老一輩領(lǐng)導人肝膽相照,結下了深厚戰斗情誼,為中老世代友好奠定了堅實(shí)基礎。老撾重要領(lǐng)導人貴寧·奔舍那的后人曾在中國求學(xué)多年,他們在中國留下了青春的足跡,也成為中老傳統友誼的見(jiàn)證者、傳承者、推動(dòng)者。上世紀六七十年代,中國軍民積極支援老撾民族獨立和解放事業(yè),200多位中國烈士長(cháng)眠于這片他們戰斗過(guò)的熱土,用生命筑起了中老友好永不磨滅的豐碑。China and Laos are friendly socialist neighbors with shared ideals, the same social systems and similar paths of development. Over the past half a century since the establishment of diplomatic ties, the relations between the two parties and the two countries have withstood the test of time and the changing global environment, leaving behind many touching stories. Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Kaysone Phomvihane, and other leaders of the elder generation forged among them a deep friendship based on a genuine meeting of minds, and laid down a solid foundation for lasting friendship between the two countries. The descendants of Quinim Pholsena studied for many years in China. They spent their youth in China, and became witnesses, supporters and members of new advocates for China-Laos traditional friendship. In the 1960s and 1970s, Chinese soldiers and civilians actively supported the national independence and liberation movement of Laos. Over 200 of them laid down their lives on this land, forging an indelible monument of China-Laos friendship with their flesh and blood.
進(jìn)入新時(shí)期,中老友好歷久彌堅,煥發(fā)出新的蓬勃生機。兩國全面戰略合作伙伴關(guān)系不斷拓展。高層往來(lái)日益密切,黨際交流持續深化,政治互信愈加穩固。中國有句古話(huà),“同門(mén)曰朋,同志曰友”,這是中老關(guān)系的真實(shí)寫(xiě)照。作為志同道合的好鄰居、好朋友、好同志、好伙伴,中老在探索社會(huì )主義理論和實(shí)踐創(chuàng )新,全面推進(jìn)經(jīng)濟、政治、文化、社會(huì )等各方面建設,加快推進(jìn)現代化的進(jìn)程中始終平等相待,相互扶持。中老關(guān)系堪稱(chēng)中國同周邊國家睦鄰友好、全面合作的典范。In recent years, China-Laos friendship has been further cemented and is showing fresh vitality. The comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries has been expanding. Frequent high-level contacts and deepening inter-party exchanges have solidified our political mutual trust. The Chinese people believe that friends are those who follow the same cause and are inspired by the same vision. This is a vivid characterization of China-Laos relationship. As good neighbors, good friends, good comrades and good partners with the same vision, China and Laos have always treated each other as equals and supported each other in exploring innovation in socialist theories and practice, in fully advancing economic, political, cultural and social development, and in accelerating modernization. China-Laos relationship sets an example of good neighborliness and all-round cooperation between China and its neighbors.
中老發(fā)展戰略對接加速。中國提出的“一帶一路”倡議同老撾“變陸鎖國為陸聯(lián)國”戰略、中國的“十三五”規劃同老撾社會(huì )發(fā)展“八五”規劃高度契合,兩國發(fā)展理念相似。去年,兩國務(wù)實(shí)合作旗艦項目——中老鐵路全線(xiàn)開(kāi)工,承載著(zhù)老撾人民發(fā)展夢(mèng)想的交通大動(dòng)脈正逐步變?yōu)楝F實(shí)。磨憨-磨丁經(jīng)濟合作區和萬(wàn)象賽色塔綜合開(kāi)發(fā)區建設進(jìn)展喜人,多家企業(yè)和機構簽約入駐,將助力老撾實(shí)現產(chǎn)業(yè)升級、吸引外資、促進(jìn)就業(yè)、帶動(dòng)中小企業(yè)發(fā)展。China and Laos have worked expeditiously to align their development strategies. Thanks to our similar visions for development, there is a high degree of complementarity between China's Belt and Road Initiative and the strategy of Laos to transform itself from a landlocked to a land-linked country, and between China's 13th Five-Year Plan and the 8th Five-Year National Socio-economic Development Plan of Laos. Last year, all-round construction started on the China-Laos railway, a flagship project of our practical cooperation. The transportation artery that will drive the development of Laos is a dream coming true. Good progress was made in the Mohan-Boten Economic Cooperation Zone and the Saysettha Development Zone, which have already seen a number of companies and institutions move in. This will help Laos upgrade its industries, attract FDI, create jobs and boost the growth of its SMEs.
中老務(wù)實(shí)合作駛入快車(chē)道。中國已經(jīng)成為老撾第一大投資國、第二大貿易伙伴。今年1月至9月,雙邊貿易額21億美元、同比增長(cháng)25.1%。中國對老撾直接投資累計超過(guò)61億美元,帶動(dòng)當地水電、礦產(chǎn)、服務(wù)貿易等行業(yè)發(fā)展。中國積極推動(dòng)醫院、公路、學(xué)校等一批民生援助項目落地,助力老撾人民提高生活水平和質(zhì)量。中國企業(yè)承建的南累克水電站運行良好,為老撾經(jīng)濟建設和社會(huì )發(fā)展發(fā)揮了重要作用。老撾對華出口不斷擴大,老撾大米、咖啡、香蕉、西瓜等農產(chǎn)品日益受到中國消費者喜愛(ài)。China-Laos practical cooperation has entered a period of fast development. China has become the largest investor and second largest trading partner of Laos. Bilateral trade reached 2.1 billion U.S. dollars in the first nine months of this year, up by 25.1 percent. China's total direct investment in Laos exceeded 6.1 billion U.S. dollars, facilitating the development of hydroelectricity, mining, services trade and other sectors of the local economy. China has been actively involved in delivering a number of assistance projects relating to people's livelihood, including hospitals, roads and schools, contributing to higher living standards and more convenience for the Laotian people. The Nam Leuk hydropower station undertaken by Chinese companies is operating well, and playing an important role in the economic and social development of Laos. Export from Laos to China also expanded, and the Laotian agricultural products including rice, coffee, banana and water melon are increasingly popular among Chinese consumers.
中老人文交流日益活躍。今年上半年,40萬(wàn)中國游客赴老撾旅游觀(guān)光。越來(lái)越多的老撾人赴華經(jīng)商、旅游,獲得中國政府獎學(xué)金的老撾在華留學(xué)生人數居東盟各國之首。中國“和平列車(chē)”、“湄公河光明行”醫療服務(wù)活動(dòng)贏(yíng)得老撾人民廣泛贊譽(yù)。中國上海近百名青年志愿者先后赴老撾從事網(wǎng)絡(luò )技術(shù)、體育教學(xué)等工作,其中一名志愿者就任老撾國家男籃主教練。中老合拍的紀錄片《光陰的故事》網(wǎng)絡(luò )總播放量達數百萬(wàn)次,深深撼動(dòng)兩國民眾心靈。一首由老撾友人創(chuàng )作并演唱的搖滾歌曲《一帶一路》在網(wǎng)絡(luò )熱播,贏(yíng)得大量網(wǎng)友點(diǎn)贊評論。China-Laos people-to-people and cultural exchanges have become more dynamic. 400,000 Chinese tourists traveled to Laos in the first half of the year. More and more people from Laos are traveling to China for business or as tourists. The number of Lao students studying in China under Chinese government scholarship tops all ASEAN countries. Chinese medical services initiatives including Peace Train and Mekong Bright Action were widely acclaimed by the Lao people. Nearly 100 young volunteers from Shanghai went to Laos to teach Internet technology and sports, and one of them became the head coach of the Lao national men's basketball team. The Story of Times, a documentary co-produced by China and Laos, was viewed several million times on the Internet, and deeply touched the hearts of our two peoples. The pop music video "Yi Dai Yi Lu" (Belt and Road), written and performed by a Lao musician, went viral on the Internet in China and received a huge number of likes and comments.
在建設有本國特色社會(huì )主義的偉大征程中,中老兩國“志同而氣和”。上個(gè)月,中國共產(chǎn)黨成功召開(kāi)第十九次全國代表大會(huì )。這次大會(huì )制定了中國黨和國家未來(lái)發(fā)展的總體方針和行動(dòng)綱領(lǐng)。大會(huì )繪制了從現在到本世紀中葉中國建設發(fā)展的宏偉藍圖。到2020年,將全面建成小康社會(huì );從2020年到2035年,基本實(shí)現社會(huì )主義現代化;從2035年到本世紀中葉,把中國建設成為富強民主文明和諧美麗的社會(huì )主義現代化強國。我們有能力、有信心帶領(lǐng)中國人民朝著(zhù)實(shí)現中華民族偉大復興的中國夢(mèng)邁進(jìn)。在老撾人民革命黨領(lǐng)導下,老撾社會(huì )和諧穩定,經(jīng)濟蓬勃發(fā)展,國家日新月異,正向著(zhù)老撾黨第十次全國代表大會(huì )確定的目標推進(jìn)全面革新事業(yè)。同樣的使命,共同的夢(mèng)想,恰似縱貫中老的瀾滄江-湄公河水,把我們的前途牢牢相系,將我們的命運緊緊相連。China and Laos are friends and comrades who have a shared mission in advancing the great cause of building socialism with our respective characteristics. Last month, the Communist Party of China successfully convened its 19th National Congress and set forth general principles and guidelines for the future development of the Party and the country. The Party Congress laid out the blueprint for China's development all through to the middle of the century: we will complete the building of a moderately prosperous society by 2020, basically realize socialist modernization by 2035, and build China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful by the middle of this century. We have the ability and confidence to rally the Chinese people toward the realization of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. Under the leadership of the Lao People's Revolutionary Party, Laos enjoys social harmony and economic prosperity. It is making fast progress and steadily advancing comprehensive reforms in line with the goals set at the 10th Congress of the Party. Like Lancang-Mekong River that runs through our two countries, the common mission and ideals that bind us together have forged a common destiny for us.
——我們要加強戰略溝通,打造互尊互信的命運共同體。中老雙方要繼承和發(fā)揚兩國友好傳統,牢牢把握雙邊關(guān)系發(fā)展的正確方向,深化政治互信,借鑒彼此推進(jìn)改革、探索社會(huì )主義建設的理論和實(shí)踐經(jīng)驗,密切政黨、政府、立法機構、地方交往,拓展中老全面戰略合作伙伴關(guān)系的廣度和深度。兩國應該在涉及彼此核心利益和重大關(guān)切的問(wèn)題上繼續相互支持,根據事情的是非曲直確定外交政策,共同維護發(fā)展中國家權益。-- We need to strengthen strategic communication and build a community of shared future based on mutual respect and mutual trust. The two sides should take forward our traditional friendship, keep the bilateral relations on the right track, and deepen political mutual trust. We should learn from each other's experience, including theories and practices of reform and socialist construction, and increase exchanges between our political parties, governments, legislatures, and provinces/cities to broaden and deepen our comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership. We should continue to support each other on issues involving each other's core interests and major concerns, and make foreign policy decisions based on the merits of matters to jointly uphold the rights and interests of developing countries.
——我們要深化戰略對接,打造互幫互助的命運共同體。中國支持老撾發(fā)揮獨特區位優(yōu)勢,實(shí)現綠色可持續發(fā)展。中老鐵路作為泛亞鐵路網(wǎng)的重要組成部分,對老撾具有重大戰略和現實(shí)意義。雙方要加強統籌協(xié)調,爭取早日建成通車(chē),讓老撾同周邊國家乃至世界互聯(lián)互通。我們要推進(jìn)經(jīng)濟合作區、衛星、水電站等重大項目建設和運營(yíng),讓老撾人民多受益、早受益。-- We need to enhance the complementarity of our development strategies and build a community of shared future through mutual assistance. China supports Laos in leveraging its geographical position to achieve green and sustainable development. As an important part of the Trans-Asian Railway network, China-Laos railway is of major strategic and practical importance to Laos. The two sides should increase coordination and work for early completion and operation of the project to connect Laos with its neighbors and the world. We must advance construction and operation of major projects, such as economic cooperation zones, satellite, and hydropower stations to bring more benefits to the Lao people as early as possible.
——我們要拓展務(wù)實(shí)合作,打造互惠互利的命運共同體。中老兩國山水相連、經(jīng)濟互補。老撾自然稟賦優(yōu)越,經(jīng)濟快速發(fā)展,正處在推進(jìn)工業(yè)化、現代化進(jìn)程的關(guān)鍵階段。中國在資金、技術(shù)、裝備等方面擁有豐富經(jīng)驗和優(yōu)勢。雙方要不斷挖掘合作潛力,創(chuàng )新合作模式,拓展在電力互聯(lián)互通、金融、能源等領(lǐng)域務(wù)實(shí)合作,促進(jìn)老撾農業(yè)、水利、交通、通信等基礎設施建設,給兩國人民帶來(lái)實(shí)實(shí)在在的好處。-- We need to expand practical cooperation and build a community of shared future for mutual benefit. China and Laos are close neighbors with economic complementarity. Laos enjoys good natural endowments and fast economic development. The country is at a crucial stage of industrialization and modernization. China has rich experience and strength in capital, technology and equipment. The two sides should tap cooperation potential and explore new ways of cooperation. We could expand practical cooperation in electricity connectivity, finance and energy, promote the development of Lao infrastructure for agriculture, water conservancy, transportation and telecommunication, and bring real benefits to the two peoples.
——我們要擴大人文交流,打造互學(xué)互鑒的命運共同體。我們要加強文化、科技、青年、地方等領(lǐng)域交流合作,讓中老友好薪火相傳。歡迎更多的老撾朋友到中國留學(xué)、旅游、工作,成為繼承和發(fā)揚中老傳統友誼的使者。中國將積極支持老撾舉辦2018旅游年,鼓勵更多中國游客來(lái)到老撾觀(guān)光旅游,感受老撾歷史文化的獨特魅力。-- We need to increase people-to-people exchange and build a community of shared future featuring mutual learning. We should strengthen exchanges and cooperation in the fields of culture, science and technology and youth and subnational interactions to take China-Laos friendship from generation to generation. We welcome more Lao people to China to study, tour or work and to serve as envoys for the traditional friendship between our two countries. China will support Laos in hosting the 2018 Tourism Year, encourage more Chinese tourists to visit Laos and experience the unique charm of Lao history and culture.
中老同為瀾滄江-湄公河合作機制重要成員。瀾湄合作機制自2016年正式啟動(dòng)以來(lái)取得了豐碩成果,體現了“瀾湄速度”和“瀾湄效率”,培育了平等相待、真誠互助、親如一家的瀾湄文化。老撾明年將擔任瀾湄合作共同主席國。中國愿同老撾一道努力,推動(dòng)瀾湄合作取得更多成果,落實(shí)老方提出的早期收獲項目,帶動(dòng)次區域發(fā)展,為地區國家人民帶來(lái)更多福祉。China and Laos are both important members of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) framework. The LMC has achieved fruitful results since its inception in 2016. It has demonstrated a Lancang-Mekong speed and efficiency, and fostered a Lancang-Mekong culture of equality, sincerity, mutual assistance and affinity. Laos will be the LMC Co-Chair next year. China will work with Laos to facilitate more cooperation outcomes, implement the early-harvest projects proposed by Laos, promote sub-regional development and bring more benefits to countries and peoples in the region.
老撾人常說(shuō)“一根柴棍燒不成旺火,一根木棍圍不成籬笆”,中國人講“眾志成城”、“眾人拾柴火焰高”。我堅信,只要中老彼此信任,攜手合作,必將開(kāi)創(chuàng )兩國關(guān)系更加美好的明天。As a Lao saying goes, one piece of firewood does not make high flames, and a single wood stick does not make a fence. The Chinese believe that people, if united, are as strong as a fortress, and flame runs high if everyone adds wood to it. I am convinced that as long as our two countries trust each other and work together, we will create an even better future for our bilateral relations.

(Source: Xinhua)