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【中英文對照】第二十次中國歐盟領(lǐng)導人會(huì )晤聯(lián)合聲明

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-07 16:08:05  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟


Beijing, 16 July 2018

2018年7月16日,中華人民共和國國務(wù)院總理李克強同歐洲理事會(huì )主席唐納德·圖斯克、歐盟委員會(huì )主席讓?zhuān)寺宓隆と菘嗽诒本┡e行第二十次中國歐盟領(lǐng)導人會(huì )晤。李克強總理同容克主席共同出席了第13屆中歐企業(yè)家圓桌會(huì )。

H.E. Li Keqiang, Premier of the State Council of the People's Republic of China, H.E. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, and H.E. Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, met in Beijing on 16 July 2018 for the 20th China-EU Summit. Premier Li and President Juncker jointly attended the China-EU Business Roundtable.

1. 雙方領(lǐng)導人祝賀中國歐盟領(lǐng)導人會(huì )晤機制建立20周年和中國歐盟全面戰略伙伴關(guān)系建立15周年。這極大提高了中歐關(guān)系的水平,在政治、經(jīng)貿、文化、人文交流等領(lǐng)域取得了豐碩成果。雙方重申將本著(zhù)相互尊重、平等互信和互惠互利的原則,全面落實(shí)《中歐合作2020戰略規劃》,繼續深化和平、增長(cháng)、改革、文明四大伙伴關(guān)系。

1. On the occasion of this 20th China-EU Summit, the two sides celebrated the 15th anniversary of the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. This has greatly enhanced the level of China-EU relations, with fruitful outcomes achieved in politics, economy, trade, culture, people-to-people exchanges and other fields. The Leaders reaffirmed their commitment to deepening their partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilisation, based on the principles of mutual respect, trust, equality and mutual benefit, by comprehensively implementing the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation.

2. 作為全面戰略伙伴,中歐將加強全球層面的伙伴關(guān)系,以推動(dòng)和平、安全和可持續發(fā)展。雙方重申支持多邊主義以及基于規則、以聯(lián)合國為核心的國際秩序,維護《聯(lián)合國憲章》以及國際法,維護包括主權、領(lǐng)土完整和邊界不可侵犯等原則。中歐致力于維護聯(lián)合國三大支柱,即和平與安全、發(fā)展和人權,并致力于依據國際法原則和平解決國際爭端。

2. As comprehensive strategic partners, China and the EU will reinforce the global dimension of their partnership in order to promote peace, security and sustainable development. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to multilateralism and the rules-based international order with the United Nations at its core, and to uphold the UN Charter and international law, including the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders. China and the EU are committed to upholding all three pillars of the UN system, namely peace and security, development, and human rights, and are committed to the peaceful settlement of international disputes in accordance with the principles of international law.

3. 雙方一致認為,開(kāi)展外交與安全政策對話(huà)與合作以應對共同挑戰,是中歐全面戰略伙伴關(guān)系的一大重要支柱。歐盟重申堅持一個(gè)中國政策。

3. The two sides shared the view that dialogue and cooperation on foreign and security policy to meet common challenges is an important pillar of the China-EU Comprehensive Strategic Partnership. The EU reaffirmed its one-China policy.

4. 雙方高度評價(jià)第八次中歐高級別戰略對話(huà)的成果,同意繼續加強在外交政策和安全事務(wù)方面的磋商,包括就非洲、中東、亞洲、中亞、拉丁美洲以及裁軍和不擴散等事務(wù)進(jìn)行交流。

4. Both sides commended the successful outcomes of the 8th China-EU High Level Strategic Dialogue, and agreed to continue to reinforce their consultations on foreign policy and security matters, including exchanges on Africa, the Middle East, Asia, Central Asia and Latin America, as well as disarmament and non-proliferation.

中歐支持通過(guò)各種努力推動(dòng)朝鮮半島問(wèn)題和平解決。今年年初以來(lái),朝鮮半島局勢明顯緩和。雙方歡迎朝美、朝韓領(lǐng)導人會(huì )晤所作出的承諾,包括全面無(wú)核化的承諾,呼吁各方應完整、全面履行聯(lián)合國安理會(huì )決議。

China and the EU support the various efforts to find a peaceful solution to the question of the Korean Peninsula. Since the beginning of the year, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has significantly eased. The two sides welcome the commitments made at the DPRK-US and inter-Korean summits, including the commitment to complete denuclearisation, and call upon all parties fully and comprehensively to implement the relevant UN Security Council resolutions.

中歐仍認為伊朗核問(wèn)題全面協(xié)議是全球核不擴散體系的關(guān)鍵一環(huán),也是由聯(lián)合國安理會(huì )2231號決議核可的一項重大外交成就。國際原子能機構已再次確認伊朗履行了與核相關(guān)的承諾,雙方對此表示歡迎。雙方重申將維護全面協(xié)議持續、全面、有效的落實(shí)。

China and the EU recalled that the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) is a key element of the global non-proliferation architecture and a significant diplomatic achievement endorsed unanimously by the UN Security Council in its Resolution 2231. Both sides welcomed the fact that the IAEA has again confirmed the continued adherence by Iran to its nuclear-related commitments. They reaffirm their commitment to the continued, full and effective implementation of the JCPOA.

關(guān)于中東和平進(jìn)程,雙方確認支持基于國際社會(huì )承認的邊界、安全共處、以耶路撒冷為兩國首都且符合相關(guān)聯(lián)合國決議的兩國方案。

On the peace process in the Middle East, both sides confirmed their support for a two-state solution, under which the two states live side by side in security within internationally recognized borders, with Jerusalem as their capital, and in accordance with the relevant United Nations resolutions.

根據聯(lián)合國安理會(huì )2254號決議,中國和歐盟支持政治解決敘利亞沖突,因為這是實(shí)現持久和平與穩定的唯一途徑,并將徹底擊敗敘利亞的恐怖主義。中歐呼吁加強人道救援和平民保護。

China and the EU support a political solution to the Syrian conflict in line with UNSCR 2254 as this is the only path towards lasting peace and stability that would fully defeat terrorism in Syria. China and the EU call for increased humanitarian access and protection of civilians.


China and the EU welcome the efforts of the Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary General (SRSG) for Libya, Ghassan Salamé. In line with his Action Plan presented in September 2017, they renew their support for the stabilisation of Libya, in order to bring the country out of its long transition phase through an inclusive Libyan-led political reconciliation process within the framework of the Libyan Political Agreement, with elections to be held by 2018 based on an adequate constitutional framework.

中國和歐盟致力于在“阿人主導、阿人所有”的阿富汗和平進(jìn)程中密切協(xié)調合作,并加強在穩定與安全方面的協(xié)作,以促進(jìn)阿富汗經(jīng)濟和社會(huì )發(fā)展以及更強的區域經(jīng)濟互聯(lián)互通。

China and the EU are committed to work together and co-ordinate closely on the peace process in Afghanistan, which should be Afghan-owned and Afghan-led, as well as on stability and security in order to facilitate Afghanistan's economic and social development and greater regional economic connectivity.

5. 中國、歐盟及歐盟成員國是《聯(lián)合國海洋法公約》的締約方,尊重以國際法為基礎的海上秩序。歐盟歡迎中國和東盟國家為達成有效的“南海行為準則”(CoC)進(jìn)行的磋商。雙方呼吁有關(guān)各方開(kāi)展對話(huà),和平解決爭端,避免可能加劇緊張的行為。

5. China, the EU and its Member States are parties to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and respect the maritime order based on international law. The EU welcomes the ongoing consultations between China and ASEAN countries aimed at the conclusion of an effective Code of Conduct (CoC) for the South China Sea. China and the EU call upon all relevant parties to engage in dialogue, to settle disputes peacefully, and to refrain from actions likely to increase tensions.

6. 中國和歐盟將就安全和防務(wù)政策保持高層交往,通過(guò)政策對話(huà)機制加強溝通、促進(jìn)合作,積極拓展雙方人員培訓和研討交流,保持反海盜護航、國際維和等領(lǐng)域的合作勢頭。

6. China and the EU will maintain high-level exchanges on security and defence policy, strengthen their communication and facilitate cooperation through policy dialogue mechanisms, actively promote training and seminars for personnel, and maintain the momentum of cooperation in such areas as anti-piracy escort missions and international peacekeeping.

7. 中國和歐盟同意在平等和相互尊重的基礎上開(kāi)展雙邊和國際層面的人權交流,包括在聯(lián)合國人權機制下的交流。雙方歡迎七月份在中國舉行的人權對話(huà)。

7. China and the EU agreed to conduct exchanges on human rights at the bilateral and international level on the basis of equality and mutual respect, including in the context of UN human rights mechanisms. Both sides welcomed the holding of their Human Rights Dialogue in China in July.

8. 雙方堅定致力于打造開(kāi)放型世界經(jīng)濟,提高貿易投資自由化便利化,抵制保護主義與單邊主義,推動(dòng)更加開(kāi)放、平衡、包容和普惠的全球化。雙方堅定支持以世貿組織為核心、以規則為基礎、透明、非歧視、開(kāi)放和包容的多邊貿易體制并承諾遵守現行世貿規則。雙方還承諾就世貿組織改革開(kāi)展合作,以迎接新挑戰,并為此建立世貿組織改革副部級聯(lián)合工作組。

8. The two sides are strongly committed to fostering an open world economy, improving trade and investment liberalisation and facilitation, resisting protectionism and unilateralism, and making globalisation more open, balanced, inclusive, and beneficial to all. Both sides firmly supported the rules-based, transparent, non-discriminatory, open and inclusive multilateral trading system with the WTO as its core and are committed to complying with existing WTO rules. They are also committed to cooperating on the reform of the WTO to help it meet new challenges and establish a joint working group on WTO reform, chaired at Vice-Ministerial level, to this end.

9. 雙方認可經(jīng)貿高層對話(huà)在指導和促進(jìn)中歐經(jīng)貿關(guān)系中發(fā)揮的重要作用。歐盟注意到中國近期致力于改善市場(chǎng)準入和投資環(huán)境,加強知識產(chǎn)權保護,擴大進(jìn)口,期待這些舉措得到全面落實(shí)并采取進(jìn)一步的舉措。雙方致力于在雙邊貿易和投資領(lǐng)域確保公平和互利合作,并將合作解決各自企業(yè)面臨的市場(chǎng)準入問(wèn)題。

9. The two sides recognised the important role that the High-Level Economic and Trade Dialogue has played in guiding and promoting the development of China-EU economic and trade relations. The EU took note of China's recent commitments to improving market access and the investment environment, strengthening intellectual property rights and expanding imports, and looks forward to their full implementation as well as further measures. The two sides committed to ensuring a level playing field and mutually beneficial cooperation in bilateral trade and investment, and will work together to solve the market access issues facing businesses on both sides.

10. 雙方將繼續推動(dòng)中國“一帶一路”倡議與歐盟倡議對接,包括歐洲投資計劃以及擴大的泛歐運輸網(wǎng)絡(luò ),并通過(guò)兼容的海陸空運輸、能源和數字網(wǎng)絡(luò )促進(jìn)“硬聯(lián)通”和“軟聯(lián)通”。雙方強調該領(lǐng)域合作應改善亞歐互聯(lián)互通在經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )、財政、金融和環(huán)境方面的可持續性。該合作應基于市場(chǎng)規則、透明原則,為所有投資者提供開(kāi)放采購以及公平競爭環(huán)境,合作也應遵循現有國際準則和標準、各自的國際責任和項目受益國的法律,同時(shí)要考慮受益國的政策和國別情況。

10. The two sides will continue to forge synergies between China's Belt and Road Initiative and the EU's initiatives, including the EU Investment Plan and extended Trans-European Transport Networks, and to promote cooperation in hardware and software connectivity through interoperable maritime, land and air transport, energy and digital networks. The two sides stressed that this cooperation should improve the economic, social, fiscal, financial and environmental sustainability of Europe-Asia connectivity. Such cooperation should abide by the shared principles of market rules, transparency, open procurement and a level playing field for all investors, and comply with established international norms and standards, respective international obligations, as well as the law of the countries benefitting from the projects, while taking into account their policies and individual situations.

11. 雙方歡迎中歐互聯(lián)互通平臺取得的進(jìn)展,以及第三屆主席會(huì )議、第三次互聯(lián)互通專(zhuān)家組會(huì )議和投融資合作專(zhuān)家組第三次會(huì )議的成功舉辦。雙方將與歐盟成員國和利益攸關(guān)方協(xié)商,加快實(shí)施商定的試點(diǎn)項目。雙方將落實(shí)中歐互聯(lián)互通平臺第三屆主席會(huì )議確定的《中歐互聯(lián)互通平臺近期行動(dòng)方案》,制定年度工作計劃,進(jìn)一步推進(jìn)中歐基礎設施互聯(lián)互通。

11. The two sides welcomed the progress achieved under the China-EU Connectivity Platform and the successful holding of the third Chair's Meeting, the third Working Group on Connectivity, and the third meeting of the investment and financing cooperation expert group. The two sides will seek to expedite implementation of the agreed pilot projects in consultation with EU Member States and stakeholders on both sides. Both sides agreed to implement the Near-term Action Plan of the China-EU Connectivity Platform adopted by the third Chair's Meeting and the formulation of an annual work plan to further promote infrastructure connectivity between China and the EU.

12. 雙方歡迎簽署建立中歐共同投資基金的有關(guān)協(xié)議并啟動(dòng)基金首單項目。

12. Both sides welcomed the signing of the documents relating to the establishment of the China-EU Co-investment Fund, and the launch of the first co-investment under the Fund.

13. 雙方視正在進(jìn)行的《中歐投資協(xié)定》談判為最優(yōu)先事務(wù),是為雙方投資者建立和維護一個(gè)開(kāi)放、可預期、公平和透明商業(yè)環(huán)境的關(guān)鍵。雙方對交換清單出價(jià)表示歡迎,這將推動(dòng)談判進(jìn)入一個(gè)新階段。雙方將致力于加快討論合并文本和清單出價(jià)。

13. The two sides view the ongoing Investment Agreement negotiations as a top priority and a key project towards establishing and maintaining an open, predictable, fair and transparent business environment for their respective investors. Both sides welcome the exchange of market access offers which should bring the negotiation into a new phase and are committed to accelerate the discussions of both the joint text and the market access offers.

14. 雙方同意加快中歐地理標志協(xié)定談判,承諾在2018年7月25至27日即將舉行的下一輪談判中取得實(shí)質(zhì)性進(jìn)展,如可能,將于10月底前結束談判。

14. Both sides agree to accelerate the negotiation of the Agreement on the Cooperation on, and Protection of, Geographical Indications. They commit to substantially progress at the next round to be held on 25-27 July 2018 and to conclude the negotiation by the end of October.

15. 雙方同意就深化葡萄酒和烈酒行業(yè)合作開(kāi)展聯(lián)合可行性研究。雙方一致認為,這些行業(yè)標準的趨近有利于貿易,并給雙方帶來(lái)利益。

15. The two sides agreed to launch a joint feasibility study on deepening cooperation in the wines and spirits sector. Both sides agreed that approximation of standards in these sectors would facilitate trade and would be beneficial for both.

16. 雙方一致認為鋼鐵產(chǎn)能過(guò)剩是全球挑戰,需要共同應對。雙方同意在鋼鐵產(chǎn)能過(guò)剩全球論壇加強合作,并主張落實(shí)二十國集團2016年杭州峰會(huì )、2017年漢堡峰會(huì )共識以及2017年鋼鐵產(chǎn)能過(guò)剩全球論壇部長(cháng)級會(huì )議達成的政策建議。中國和歐盟同意為出口信貸國際工作組制定一套新的官方支持出口信貸指導方針。

16. Both sides agree that steel overcapacity is a global challenge that requires collective responses. Both sides agree to strengthen their cooperation in the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity and call for implementation of the G20 Hangzhou and Hamburg Summit consensus and the policy recommendations of the 2017 Ministerial Meeting of the Global Forum on Steel Excess Capacity. China and the EU agree to develop a new set of guidelines for government supported export credits within the International Working Group on Export Credits.

17. 雙方就中國加入《政府采購協(xié)議》(GPA)進(jìn)行了交流。中國致力于加快加入《政府采購協(xié)議》進(jìn)程。雙方同意將為此共同努力。

17. Both sides exchanged views on China's accession to the GPA. China committed to expedite the process of its accession. Both Parties agreed to work together towards this objective.

18. 雙方同意推動(dòng)食品安全高標準。為此,雙方重申堅持國際科學(xué)標準的重要性。在此背景下,雙方愿就區域化原則進(jìn)行交流,并致力于通過(guò)擴大食品市場(chǎng)準入推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟發(fā)展。

18. The two sides agreed to promote high food safety standards. To this end they reaffirmed the importance of adhering to international scientific standards. In this context, they are willing to conduct exchanges on the regionalisation principle, and are committed to promoting economic development by expanding market access for food products.

19. 雙方強調推廣與保護知識產(chǎn)權對于創(chuàng )新與可持續發(fā)展的重要性,并承諾加強中歐知識產(chǎn)權對話(huà),深化知識產(chǎn)權保護合作,并充分利用新的技術(shù)合作項目。雙方歡迎“IP Key China”項目的成功啟動(dòng)以及《中歐海關(guān)知識產(chǎn)權合作行動(dòng)計劃(2018-2020)》的簽署。雙方同意在打擊知識產(chǎn)權侵權行為方面加強合作,尤其在雙方均認可的優(yōu)先領(lǐng)域加強合作。

19. The two sides underlined the importance for innovation and sustainable development of promoting and enforcing Intellectual Property Rights (IPR), and pledged to deepen the China-EU Dialogue on IPR, to strengthen their collaboration in IPR protection, and to make full use of new technical cooperation projects. They welcomed the successful launch of IP Key China and the signature of the Action Plan Concerning China-EU Customs Cooperation on IPR (2018-2020). The two sides agreed to reinforce their joint efforts to fight IPR infringements, in particular in mutually agreed priority areas.

20. 雙方將繼續落實(shí)《中歐海關(guān)協(xié)定》(CCMAA)和《中歐海關(guān)2018-2020年合作戰略框架》,并發(fā)揮中歐聯(lián)合海關(guān)合作委員會(huì )(JCCC)作用。雙方承諾將開(kāi)展具體行動(dòng),促進(jìn)貿易安全與便利,防范非法貿易,打擊瞞騙,加強在知識產(chǎn)權、安智貿、“經(jīng)認證的經(jīng)營(yíng)者”互認、反瞞騙、固廢監管和貿易統計領(lǐng)域的合作。雙方歡迎《關(guān)于打擊商業(yè)瞞騙合作的戰略行政合作安排》及其附件《行動(dòng)計劃(2018-2020)》的簽署。

20. The two sides will continue to implement the Agreement on Cooperation and Mutual Administrative Assistance in Customs Matters and the Strategic Framework for Customs Cooperation 2018-2020, and to make use of the China-EU Joint Customs Cooperation Committee (JCCC). Both parties committed to taking specific actions to promote trade safety, security and facilitation, while preventing illicit trade and fighting fraud, and to strengthening cooperation in areas such as IPR protection, Smart and Secure Trade Lanes, mutual recognition of Authorised Economic Operators, anti-fraud, solid waste inspection and trade statistics. They welcomed the signature of the Strategic Administrative Cooperation Arrangement including the Action Plan (2018-2020) on cooperation in combatting customs fraud.

21. 雙方通過(guò)中歐財金對話(huà)開(kāi)展經(jīng)濟金融合作具有戰略意義。雙方同意在監管等方面加強合作,并在多邊領(lǐng)域加強協(xié)調。雙方將以宏觀(guān)經(jīng)濟對話(huà)為基礎,拓寬在多邊領(lǐng)域以及宏觀(guān)金融穩定問(wèn)題上的合作。雙方考慮以審計監管等效為基礎,以正在開(kāi)展的適當性評估為重點(diǎn),加強審計監管合作。

21. China-EU cooperation on economic and financial issues through the China-EU Economic and Financial Dialogue is of strategic relevance. Both sides agree to strengthen their cooperation, including on regulatory matters and through coordination in multilateral fora. Similarly, China and the EU will use their Macroeconomic Dialogue as a basis for broader multilateral cooperation and for cooperation on issues related to macro-financial stability. On the basis of equivalence of public audit oversight systems between China and the EU, the two sides consider the ongoing adequacy assessment a priority and are working on strengthening bilateral cooperation in audit oversight.

22. 雙方致力于在數字經(jīng)濟領(lǐng)域推進(jìn)行業(yè)協(xié)會(huì )、標準化機構以及科研項目的相互準入,均認為應創(chuàng )造良好的數字商業(yè)環(huán)境,讓雙方企業(yè)完全融入經(jīng)濟發(fā)展之中并發(fā)揮建設性作用。雙方將繼續舉行中歐信息技術(shù)、電信和信息化對話(huà)。

22. Both sides committed to mutual access to industrial associations, standardisation bodies and R&D programmes in the field of the digital economy and agreed on the importance of achieving a favourable digital business environment that allows enterprises from both sides to fully integrate themselves and play a constructive role in the economy. The two sides will continue to hold the China-EU ICT Dialogue.

23. 雙方歡迎中歐網(wǎng)絡(luò )工作組取得的進(jìn)展,將繼續利用工作組增進(jìn)相互信任與理解,以促進(jìn)網(wǎng)絡(luò )政策交流與合作,并如聯(lián)合國政府專(zhuān)家組2010、2013、2015年報告所述,進(jìn)一步制訂并落實(shí)網(wǎng)絡(luò )空間負責任國家行為準則、規則和原則。

23. The two sides welcomed the progress achieved under the China-EU Cyber Taskforce and will continue to use it to increase mutual trust and understanding, with a view to enhancing policy exchanges and cooperation in the cyber area and jointly promoting the further development and implementation of the norms, rules and principles for responsible State behaviour in cyberspace as articulated in the 2010, 2013 and 2015 reports of the UN Groups of Governmental Experts.

24. 雙方歡迎于2018年5月舉行的中歐數字經(jīng)濟和網(wǎng)絡(luò )安全專(zhuān)家工作組第四次會(huì )議,并期待舉行下次會(huì )議。

24. Both sides welcomed the progress made at the fourth expert group meeting on the economic impact of cybersecurity challenges and digital economy held in May 2018 and looked forward to a further meeting.

25. 雙方均認為,加強相互合作對解決世界毒品問(wèn)題具有重要意義。雙方同意啟動(dòng)中歐年度禁毒對話(huà),并涵蓋當前針對易制毒化學(xué)品的磋商。雙方歡迎中國與歐洲刑警組織開(kāi)展的戰略合作,以提升中歐在執法和打擊跨國犯罪等方面的合作。

25. The two sides agreed on the importance of closer China-EU cooperation on addressing the world drug problem. Both sides agreed to launch an annual China-EU Dialogue on Drugs, incorporating existing consultations on drug precursors. They welcomed the ongoing China-Europol strategic cooperation as an important step towards enhanced China-EU cooperation on law enforcement and transnational crimes.

26. 雙方致力于加強中歐工業(yè)對話(huà)和磋商機制,繼續拓展汽車(chē)、工業(yè)能效、造船、原材料和中小企業(yè)政策等領(lǐng)域合作,并強調在標準化和數字經(jīng)濟轉型方面進(jìn)一步合作的重要性。

26. The two sides committed to strengthening the China-EU Industrial Dialogue and Consultation Mechanism, by continuing and expanding cooperation in the fields of automotive, resource efficiency, shipbuilding, raw materials and Small and Medium Enterprises policy, and emphasised the importance of further cooperation on standardisation and of the transition to a digital economy.

27. 2018年是《中歐科技合作協(xié)定》簽署20周年。雙方歡迎在中歐科技合作指導委員會(huì )、中歐創(chuàng )新合作對話(huà)和中歐空間合作對話(huà)推動(dòng)下科技合作取得的最新進(jìn)展。雙方將共同落實(shí)2018-2020年度中歐科技創(chuàng )新旗艦合作項目,并以聯(lián)合資助機制為基礎,在基礎研究、前沿學(xué)科和重大社會(huì )挑戰等領(lǐng)域探討進(jìn)一步合作的路線(xiàn)圖。雙方將完善創(chuàng )新合作框架,實(shí)現更加互惠、開(kāi)放、平等的科技創(chuàng )新合作。

27. Recalling that 2018 marks the 20th Anniversary of the signature of the China-EU Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement, the two sides welcomed recent progress in these areas, and through the China-EU Joint Steering Committee on Science and Technology Cooperation, the China-EU Innovation Cooperation and China-EU Space Cooperation Dialogues. The two sides will jointly implement the 2018-2020 Flagship Initiatives and explore a roadmap for further cooperation in areas such as basic research, frontier science and key societal challenges, building on the Co-Funding Mechanism. The two sides aim to improve the framework conditions for cooperation on innovation and promote more mutually beneficial, open and equal science, technology and innovation cooperation.

28. 雙方重申應對氣候變化的重要性,歡迎簽署《中歐領(lǐng)導人氣候變化和清潔能源聯(lián)合聲明》(見(jiàn)附件)和《中華人民共和國生態(tài)環(huán)境部和歐盟委員會(huì )關(guān)于加強碳排放交易合作的諒解備忘錄》。雙方致力于積極推動(dòng)在卡托維茲《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》第24次締約方大會(huì )上為完成《巴黎協(xié)定》實(shí)施細則做出積極貢獻,以確保充分有效落實(shí)《巴黎協(xié)定》。

28. The two sides reaffirmed the importance of combatting climate change and welcomed the adoption of the Leaders' Statement on Climate Change and Clean Energy, which is annexed to this statement, and the Memorandum of Understanding to Enhance Cooperation on Emissions Trading between the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China and the European Commission. They committed to contributing actively to the conclusion of the Paris Agreement Work Programme at COP 24 in Katowice in order to ensure full and effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.

29. 雙方領(lǐng)導人樂(lè )見(jiàn)雙方在環(huán)境和自然資源保護領(lǐng)域增進(jìn)高層交往,在全球環(huán)境議程中尤其在污染防治、生物多樣性保護、《瀕危野生動(dòng)植物種國際貿易公約》(CITES)履約與執法、野生動(dòng)物販賣(mài)、消除市場(chǎng)非法采伐木材、荒漠化、土地退化等領(lǐng)域上扮演更重要的領(lǐng)導角色。雙方歡迎聯(lián)合國大會(huì )通過(guò)題為“制定《世界環(huán)境公約》”的決議,期待聯(lián)合國秘書(shū)長(cháng)向下一屆聯(lián)大提交報告,作為未來(lái)工作的基礎。雙方將積極合作保護生物多樣性。歐盟歡迎中國承諾于2020年承辦《生物多樣性公約》第15次締約方大會(huì ),這將因通過(guò)2020后全球生物多樣性框架文件而留下深遠影響。

29. The leaders welcomed the increase in high-level contacts on environmental protection and natural resource conservation, and the importance of assuming greater leadership on the global environmental agenda, in particular on issues such as pollution prevention and control, biodiversity conservation, CITES implementation and enforcement and wildlife trafficking, and elimination of illegally harvested timber from the markets, as well as desertification and land degradation. The two sides welcomed the adoption by the UN General Assembly of a resolution titled "Towards a Global Pact for the Environment" and look forward to the presentation of a report by the Secretary General in the next General Assembly as a basis for further work. China and the EU will work together actively with a view to achieving the preservation of biodiversity. The EU welcomes China's commitment to organise COP 15 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2020, which should mark the adoption of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework.

30. 雙方同意將向循環(huán)經(jīng)濟轉型作為合作重點(diǎn),認為提升資源利用效率有利于實(shí)現應對氣候變化、推動(dòng)可持續發(fā)展目標,并同意在此領(lǐng)域加強合作,支持開(kāi)展聯(lián)合行動(dòng)。在此背景下,雙方簽署《關(guān)于循環(huán)經(jīng)濟合作的諒解備忘錄》,決定建立循環(huán)經(jīng)濟高級別對話(huà)。雙方領(lǐng)導人確認在中國歐盟水資源政策對話(huà)框架下加強水資源合作的重要性,以及中歐水資源平臺(CEWP)在支持實(shí)施與水資源相關(guān)的可持續發(fā)展目標(SDGs)方面的作用。

30. The two sides agreed on the transition to a circular economy as a priority for their cooperation, recognising the contribution of resource efficiency to meeting climate and sustainable development targets and agreeing to enhance cooperation and support joint actions in this field. In that context the two sides signed the Memorandum of Understanding on Circular Economy Cooperation establishing a high level policy dialogue. Leaders confirmed the importance of strengthening China-EU cooperation on water in the framework of the China-EU Water Policy Dialogue, and acknowledged the role of China Europe Water Platform (CEWP) in supporting the implementation of the water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

31. 雙方致力于加強區域政策合作,歡迎舉辦第11次高級別區域政策對話(huà)和第13屆中歐區域政策研討會(huì )。雙方將按照商定的頻率輪流舉行區域政策高級別論壇。雙方重申將通過(guò)加強與擴大中歐城市間合作落實(shí)《中歐城鎮化伙伴關(guān)系共同宣言》。

31. The two sides committed to strengthening regional policy cooperation and welcomed the 11th High-level Regional Policy Dialogue and the 13th China-EU Seminar on Regional Policy. The two sides committed to holding the high-level regional policy forum in turns at a mutually agreed frequency. The two sides reaffirmed their readiness to implement the Joint Declaration on the China-EU Partnership on Urbanisation through strengthening and expanding China-EU city-to-city cooperation.

32. 雙方將繼續開(kāi)展中歐年度能源對話(huà),期待簽署《關(guān)于落實(shí)中歐能源合作聯(lián)合聲明》。雙方重申致力于落實(shí)中歐能源合作路線(xiàn)圖,建立中歐能源合作平臺,以推動(dòng)并支持能源合作與清潔能源轉型。

32. The two sides will continue the annual China-EU Energy Dialogue and looked forward to the signing of the Joint Statement on the Implementation of China-EU Cooperation on Energy. The two sides reaffirmed their commitment to implementing the China-EU Roadmap on Energy Cooperation and to setting up the China-EU Energy Cooperation Platform (ECECP) to promote and support their energy cooperation and clean energy transition.

33. 雙方對2017年“中歐藍色年”的成功舉辦表示滿(mǎn)意,并同意在海洋領(lǐng)域建立藍色伙伴關(guān)系,以加強海洋治理、漁業(yè)可持續發(fā)展和海洋經(jīng)濟發(fā)展合作。雙方重申將致力于打擊非法、不報告和不受管制(IUU)的捕魚(yú),并對開(kāi)展海洋法和極地事務(wù)對話(huà)表達興趣。

33. The two sides expressed their satisfaction with the successful China-EU Blue Year in 2017 and agreed on a Blue Partnership for the Oceans as a means to improve cooperation aiming at better ocean governance, sustainable fisheries, and a thriving maritime economy between China and the EU. Both sides also reaffirmed their commitment to fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, and their shared interest in dialogue on matters related to the Law of the Sea and polar affairs.

34. 雙方歡迎2012-2017年中歐災害風(fēng)險管理合作項目的成果,將加強應急管理與災后緊急人道主義援助合作。雙方同意建立中歐人道主義援助對話(huà),攜手加強多邊人道主義體系及其協(xié)調機制。

34. The two sides welcomed the achievements of the 2012-2017 China-EU Disaster Risk Management cooperation project and further cooperation between China and the EU in the field of emergency management and disaster emergency humanitarian aid. They agreed to develop an China-EU dialogue on humanitarian assistance and to work together to reinforce the multilateral humanitarian system and its coordination mechanisms.

35. 雙方重申,國家援助控制和公平競爭審查對保護消費者權益、為工商界提供公平競爭環(huán)境和法律確定性具有重要作用。雙方對中歐競爭政策、國家援助和公平競爭審查對話(huà)的成果及其作為提升互利合作平臺的作用表示滿(mǎn)意。雙方將適時(shí)在布魯塞爾舉行下一次對話(huà)。

35. The two sides reaffirmed their shared understanding that state aid control and Fair Competition Review are important factors to ensure consumer welfare and to provide a level playing field and legal certainty for the business community. They expressed satisfaction about the outcome of the China-EU Dialogues on Competition, State Aid Control and Fair Competition Review and their role as platforms for promoting mutually beneficial cooperation. They will hold the next dialogues in Brussels at the appropriate time.

36. 雙方對中歐法律事務(wù)對話(huà)的成果及其作為推動(dòng)相互了解和互利合作重要平臺的作用表示滿(mǎn)意。雙方同意于2018年晚些時(shí)候在中國舉行第三次對話(huà)。

36. The two sides expressed satisfaction with the outcomes of the China-EU Legal Affairs Dialogue and its role as an important platform for promoting mutual understanding and mutually beneficial cooperation. The two sides agreed to hold the third dialogue in China later in 2018.

37. 雙方致力于通過(guò)中歐高級別人文交流對話(huà)機制(HPPD)加強在教育、研究人員往來(lái)、文化、媒體、青年、性別平等和體育領(lǐng)域的交流與合作。雙方承諾共同努力確保2019年機制第五次會(huì )議取得圓滿(mǎn)成功。

37. The two sides committed to further strengthening exchanges and cooperation in the fields of education, mobility of researchers, culture, media, youth, gender equality and sport through the High-level People-to-People Dialogue (HPPD). Both sides committed to working together to ensure the success of the fifth meeting in 2019.

38. 雙方歡迎在2018“中國-歐盟旅游年”框架下業(yè)已開(kāi)展的系列活動(dòng),致力于進(jìn)一步推動(dòng)框架下的相關(guān)活動(dòng),促進(jìn)旅游合作及雙向人員交流。

38. Both parties welcomed the activities already held within the framework of the 2018 China-EU Tourism Year, and committed to further advancing the relevant activities within that framework, facilitating tourism cooperation and two-way people-to-people exchanges.

39. 雙方將推進(jìn)中歐人員往來(lái)和移民領(lǐng)域對話(huà)(MMD)路線(xiàn)圖第二階段,平行推進(jìn)關(guān)于簽證便利化協(xié)議和打擊非法移民合作協(xié)議的談判。

39. Both parties will press ahead with the parallel negotiations on the second phase of the China-EU Mobility and Migration Dialogue (MMD) roadmap, namely on an agreement on visa facilitation and an agreement on cooperation in combating illegal migration.

40. 中國和歐盟倡議加強移民治理,綜合應對人員流離失所問(wèn)題,并認識到制定相應工具和機構架構的必要性。雙方期待《難民問(wèn)題全球契約》和《移民問(wèn)題全球契約》等聯(lián)合國進(jìn)程取得成果,上述文件有望于2018年通過(guò)。

40. China and the EU propose to improve the governance of migration and providing comprehensive responses to displacement and recognise the need to develop tools and institutional structures accordingly. The two sides look forward to the outcome of the UN process towards Global Compacts on Refugees and for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration, both envisaged to be adopted in 2018.

41. 國際形勢最新發(fā)展凸顯亞歐會(huì )議的重要性。在第十二屆亞歐首腦會(huì )議“全球伙伴應對全球挑戰”主題的指引下,中歐將繼續攜手推動(dòng)亞歐會(huì )議三大支柱(政治、經(jīng)濟、社會(huì )/文化)合作,支持基于規則的多邊主義,并以2017年亞歐外長(cháng)會(huì )對定義和工作范疇的共識為基礎推動(dòng)互聯(lián)互通合作。中國和歐盟歡迎亞歐會(huì )議互聯(lián)互通工作組開(kāi)啟工作,并期待其達成協(xié)議,促進(jìn)亞歐互聯(lián)互通。

41. Recent global developments have heightened the relevance of ASEM. In the spirit of the ASEM12 Summit's overall theme of "Global Partners for Global Challenges", China and the EU will work together to advance cooperation across ASEM's three pillars (political, economic and social/cultural), support rules-based multilateralism, and develop connectivity cooperation based on the definition and scope of work agreed at the ASEM Foreign Ministers Meeting in November 2017. China and the EU welcomed the start of work by the ASEM Pathfinder Group (APGC) and look forward to reaching an agreement that will contribute to better connectivity between Europe and Asia.

42. 雙方承諾支持二十國集團作為國際經(jīng)濟合作主要論壇,繼續在全球經(jīng)濟和金融治理中發(fā)揮積極作用。雙方同意落實(shí)二十國集團承諾,支持強勁、可持續、平衡和包容增長(cháng)。雙方愿加強溝通與協(xié)調,為二十國集團布宜諾斯艾利斯峰會(huì )做好準備,為打造積極而富有成果的峰會(huì )做出貢獻。

42. The two sides committed to supporting the G20, as the premier forum of international economic cooperation, in continuing to play its active role in international economic and financial governance. The two sides agree to implement G20 commitments to support strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. The two sides stand ready to step up communication and coordination in preparation for the G20 Buenos Aires Summit and to jointly contribute to a positive and productive Summit.

43. 雙方將加強交流,促進(jìn)在國際發(fā)展合作領(lǐng)域的相互理解和經(jīng)驗分享,共同努力推動(dòng)落實(shí)2030年可持續發(fā)展議程。

43. Both sides will promote mutual understanding and share experience on international development cooperation through enhanced exchanges, and make joint efforts to implement the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

44. 雙方同意于2019年在布魯塞爾舉行《中歐合作2020戰略規劃》第四次評估會(huì )議。雙方承諾開(kāi)始就新的合作議程展開(kāi)討論,進(jìn)一步擴大深化2020年后中歐間的交流與合作。

44. The two sides agreed to hold the fourth review meeting of the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation in Brussels in 2019. The two sides committed to starting discussions on a new cooperation agenda to further expand and deepen exchanges and cooperation between China and the EU beyond 2020.




China-EU Leaders' Statement on Climate Change and Clean Energy


Beijing, 16 July 2018


1. China and the EU consider climate action and the clean energy transition an imperative more important than ever. They confirm their commitments under the historic 2015 Paris Agreement and step up their cooperation to enhance its implementation. 

二、氣候變化對生態(tài)系統和基礎設施的壓力持續增加,并正威脅來(lái)之不易的發(fā)展成果。氣候變化對水、糧食和國家安全的負面影響已成為加劇社會(huì )和政治脆弱性的因素,并成為人群流離失所等不穩定性的根源之一。為了全人類(lèi)共同福祉,日益加劇的氣候變化影響需要我們下決心應對。

2. Climate change is exerting increasing stress on ecosystems and infrastructure to the point of threatening hard-won developmental gains. Its detrimental impacts on water, food and national security have become a multiplying factor of social and political fragility, and constitute a root cause for instability, including the displacement of people. The increasing impacts of climate change require a decisive response, in view of striving for the common good of all humankind.

三、中歐雙方承諾展現堅定決心,并與所有利益相關(guān)方一道應對氣候變化,落實(shí)2030年可持續發(fā)展議程,推動(dòng)全球溫室氣體低排放、氣候適應型和可持續發(fā)展。雙方強調,為了發(fā)展可持續、安全和具有競爭力的經(jīng)濟,應對氣候變化和推動(dòng)全球清潔低碳能源轉型,特別是向可持續、價(jià)格合理、穩定可靠和現代化能源服務(wù)轉型,是相輔相成的目標。雙方還強調,應對氣候變化和改革能源體系可顯著(zhù)促進(jìn)就業(yè)、增加投資機會(huì )并推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)。

3. China and the EU are committed to show firm determination and work together with all stakeholders to combat climate change, implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and promote global low greenhouse gas emissions, climate resilient and sustainable development. They underline that fighting climate change and promoting the global clean and low-carbon energy transition, especially towards sustainable, affordable, reliable and modern energy services, are mutually reinforcing objectives to achieve sustainable, secure and competitive economies. They also underline that tackling climate change and reforming our energy systems are significant drivers of job creation, investment opportunities and economic growth. 

四、通過(guò)發(fā)表2015年《中歐氣候變化聯(lián)合聲明》、2016年《中歐能源合作路線(xiàn)圖》和本聲明,中歐雙方?jīng)Q心在氣候變化與清潔能源領(lǐng)域大力加強政治、技術(shù)、經(jīng)濟和科學(xué)合作,考慮到全球在可持續發(fā)展和消除貧困的背景下,向資源集約、可持續、溫室氣體低排放和氣候適應型經(jīng)濟社會(huì )的必然轉型。

4. Through the China-EU Joint Statement on Climate Change in 2015, the China-EU Roadmap on Energy Cooperation in 2016, and the present Statement, China and the EU commit to significantly intensify their political, technical, economic and scientific cooperation on climate change and clean energy, in view of the necessary world-wide transformation to a resource efficient, sustainable, low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient economy and society, in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication. 


5. China and the EU recognise the importance of developing global free trade and investment, and promoting the multilateral rule-based system to allow the full development of the low greenhouse gas emission economy with all its benefits.


Advancing the UNFCCC Process

六、中歐雙方歡迎在《聯(lián)合國氣候變化框架公約》(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)《公約》)下達成的、旨在加強《公約》實(shí)施的《巴黎協(xié)定》,歡迎《巴黎協(xié)定》有力度的目標及其包容性,歡迎其體現公平、共同但有區別的責任和各自能力原則,考慮不同國情。雙方認為,《巴黎協(xié)定》是一項歷史性成就,將進(jìn)一步加速全球溫室氣體低排放和氣候適應型發(fā)展這一不可逆轉的進(jìn)程。《巴黎協(xié)定》證明,基于共同政治意愿和互信,多邊主義能夠為應對當今最重大的全球性問(wèn)題提供公平有效的解決方案。雙方強調其全面、有效實(shí)施《巴黎協(xié)定》的最高政治承諾,包括在減緩、適應、資金、技術(shù)開(kāi)發(fā)和轉讓、能力建設、行動(dòng)和支持透明度等各方面。強化行動(dòng)將為雙方提供重要機遇以實(shí)現經(jīng)濟現代化、增強競爭力,并確保清潔能源獲取渠道增多帶來(lái)的社會(huì )經(jīng)濟效益。

6. China and the EU welcome the Paris Agreement, adopted under the Convention to enhance its implementation, with its ambitious goals, its inclusive nature, and its reflection of equity, and common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities, in the light of different national circumstances. China and the EU consider the Paris Agreement as an historic achievement further accelerating the irreversible global low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient development. The Paris Agreement is proof that with shared political will and mutual trust, multilateralism can succeed in building fair and effective solutions to the most critical global problems of our time. China and the EU underline their highest political commitment to the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement in all its aspects, including, inter alia, mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, capacity-building and transparency of actions and support. Stepping up action will provide both sides with significant opportunities for modernising their economies, enhancing competitiveness, and ensuring socio-economic benefits of increased clean energy access.

七、中歐雙方歡迎《巴黎協(xié)定》迅速簽署并生效,這表明了國際社會(huì )在應對氣候變化這一共同挑戰方面不可動(dòng)搖的決心,也給業(yè)界和投資者傳遞了明確信號,這些內容已在2016年11月《公約》第22次締約方會(huì )議達成的《馬拉喀什氣候與可持續發(fā)展行動(dòng)宣言》和2017年11月《公約》第23次締約方會(huì )議達成的《斐濟實(shí)施動(dòng)力》中得到確認。

7. China and the EU welcome the rapid signature and entry into force of the Paris Agreement, as a testimony of the international community's unwavering determination to confront this common challenge and as a clear signal to industry and investors, as confirmed by the Marrakech Action Proclamation for our Climate and Sustainable Development, adopted on the occasion of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 22) in November 2016, and by the Fiji Momentum for Implementation, adopted at COP 23 in November 2017.


8. China and the EU are determined to forge ahead with further policies and measures for the effective implementation of their respective nationally determined contributions (NDCs) and lead the clean energy transition. They call on all Parties to uphold the Paris Agreement, to implement their NDCs and to strengthen efforts over time, in accordance with the purpose and provisions of the Agreement.

九、中歐雙方將與各方一道,按照《巴黎協(xié)定》實(shí)施細則談判的工作計劃,于2018年在波蘭舉辦的《公約》第24次締約方會(huì )議上取得成功且有意義的成果,為實(shí)施《巴黎協(xié)定》做準備。雙方期待同太平洋地區有史以來(lái)首個(gè)《公約》締約方會(huì )議主席國,即第23次締約方會(huì )議主席國斐濟,及第24次締約方會(huì )議主席國波蘭開(kāi)展合作,為完成《巴黎協(xié)定》實(shí)施細則相關(guān)工作計劃奠定基礎,包括形成一份全面的談判案文,同時(shí)根據巴黎會(huì )議的相關(guān)決定,為辦成一次成功、建設性和包容的2018年塔拉諾阿對話(huà)做準備。

9. China and the EU will cooperate with other Parties to achieve, at COP 24 in Poland in 2018, a successful and meaningful outcome under the agreed work programme to prepare for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. China and the EU look forward to working with the Fijian Presidency of the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP 23) as the first ever for the Pacific Region, and the Polish Presidency of COP 24 to prepare the ground for the completion of this work programme, including through the development of a comprehensive negotiating text, as well as to prepare for a successful, constructive and inclusive 2018 Talanoa Dialogue in accordance with the decisions taken in Paris. 

十、歐盟完全支持發(fā)達國家到2020年每年共同提供1000億美元的集體募集目標,并敦促其他發(fā)達國家支持此目標。中歐雙方憶及,在氣候資金問(wèn)題上,發(fā)達國家應繼續履行其在《公約》下的現有義務(wù),為幫助發(fā)展中國家在減緩和適應兩方面提供資金。鼓勵其它國家自愿提供或繼續提供這種支持。在2025年前,作為《巴黎協(xié)定》締約方會(huì )議的《公約》締約方會(huì )議應考慮發(fā)展中國家的需要和優(yōu)先事項的情況下,設定一個(gè)新的集體量化目標,每年最低1000億美元。

10. The EU fully stands behind the collective mobilization goal of developed countries to jointly provide USD 100 billion annually by 2020, and urges other developed country Parties to stand behind this collective goal. China and the EU recall that on climate finance, developed countries shall provide financial resources to assist developing countries with respect to both mitigation and adaptation in continuation of their existing obligations under the Convention. Other countries are encouraged to provide or continue to provide such support voluntarily. Prior to 2025 the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement shall set a new collective quantified goal from a floor of USD 100 billion per year, taking into account the needs and priorities of developing countries.


11. China and the EU emphasise the urgency and priority of accelerating the implementation of pre-2020 commitments and actions to build the mutual trust amongst Parties, in particular the ratification and implementation of the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol.


12. China and the EU will communicate, by 2020, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies as foreseen in the Paris Agreement. 


Collaborating in Other Multilateral Fora

十三、中歐雙方強調使資金流動(dòng)符合溫室氣體低排放和氣候適應型發(fā)展路徑的全球愿景。雙方一致認為,需要可持續的投資和綠色金融驅動(dòng)向溫室氣體低排放和氣候適應型經(jīng)濟轉型。雙方憶及,由中方擔任主席國的2016年二十國集團會(huì )議就發(fā)展綠色金融提出建議,這些建議已實(shí)施中。

13. China and the EU emphasize the global vision to make financial flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emission and climate-resilient development. China and the EU agree on the need for sustainable investment and green finance to drive the transition to a low greenhouse gas emission and climate resilient economy. They recall the 2016 recommendations of the G20 on Green Finance developed under China's leadership, which are already being implemented. 


14. China and the EU will work together with other Parties to promote the universal ratification of the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on the phase down of HFCs. The Kigali Amendment is a crucial advance at global level in the area of climate change and environmental protection. Through joint action, China and the EU will facilitate a smooth transition to environment-friendly alternatives used in heating, refrigeration and air conditioning systems.


15. China and the EU will reinforce their cooperation in ICAO and in the IMO to ensure that aviation and shipping contribute to combating climate change, including both through domestic measures and international cooperation.


Promoting Concrete Bilateral Cooperation


16. China and the EU are confident that their collaboration on climate change and clean energy will become a main pillar of their bilateral partnership, including in their economic relations. In particular, China and the EU will further strengthen their bilateral cooperation in the following areas: 


(1) Long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies: China and the EU agree to cooperate on the formulation of mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies through regular technical dialogues including mitigation and adaptation solutions, capacity-building and climate legislation.

(二)碳排放交易:中歐雙方認可碳排放交易是一項重要的具有成本效益的氣候政策工具,并同意在歐盟碳排放交易體系改革和2017年中國啟動(dòng)全國碳排放權交易體系的背景下,進(jìn)一步推動(dòng)和強化碳排放權交易領(lǐng)域的雙邊合作,使全球最大的兩個(gè)碳市場(chǎng)相互交流經(jīng)驗與專(zhuān)業(yè)知識。鑒此,雙方十分歡迎啟動(dòng)一個(gè)新的雙邊合作項目。該項目將在此前舉措的基礎上,進(jìn)一步圍繞發(fā)展和實(shí)施碳排放權交易深入交流經(jīng)驗。中歐雙方同意,進(jìn)一步擴大合作以促進(jìn)碳排放權交易體系的發(fā)展和實(shí)施,包括通過(guò)組織雙方碳市場(chǎng)專(zhuān)家間的技術(shù)研討會(huì ),交流開(kāi)發(fā)、運行和評估碳排放權交易體系的經(jīng)驗和專(zhuān)業(yè)知識,并研究推進(jìn)長(cháng)期合作的方式。

(2) Emissions Trading: China and the EU agree on the importance of emissions trading as a cost-effective climate policy tool and agree to further enhance and reinforce bilateral cooperation activities on emissions trading in the context of reforming the EU-Emissions Trading System and the launch of the national Emissions Trading System in China in 2017, allowing for the sharing of experience and expertise among the two largest carbon markets in the world. China and the EU therefore strongly welcome the launch of a new bilateral cooperation project, building on the previous initiative, further deepening exchanges on their respective experiences with the implementation and development of emissions trading. Both sides also agree to expand their collaboration to further facilitate the implementation and development of emissions trading systems, including through technical workshops between carbon market experts with a view to exchanging experience and expertise on how to develop, run and review Emissions Trading Systems and, in the longer run, consider ways to further cooperate together.


(3) Energy Efficiency: China and the EU agree to extend their bilateral collaboration on energy efficiency, especially on energy labelling, minimum energy performance standards for appliances, and energy performance of buildings, with the aim to align requirements according to international standards.

(四)清潔能源:中歐雙方同意在以下方面交流最佳實(shí)踐和經(jīng)驗:清潔能源發(fā)電,比如可再生能源發(fā)電或高效大型熱電聯(lián)產(chǎn)及其成功入網(wǎng)發(fā)電;能源法規和市場(chǎng)設計,包括通過(guò)基于市場(chǎng)的支撐機制整合清潔能源供應。雙方重申,愿圍繞更智能和牢固的能源基礎設施及儲能設備開(kāi)展合作,這對可再生能源的上網(wǎng)和大規模利用也具有重要意義。雙方將探討包括互聯(lián)互通的能源網(wǎng)絡(luò )在內的可行方案,以滿(mǎn)足全球電力對清潔和綠色替代能源的需求。雙方強調,在以二十國集團和清潔能源部長(cháng)級會(huì )議為代表的多邊能源機制中開(kāi)展坦誠而持續的合作十分重要。

(4) Clean Energy: China and the EU agree to exchange best-practices and experiences on clean energy production, such as from renewables or highly efficient combined heat and power (CHP), its successful integration into the grid, and on energy regulation and market design, including the integration of clean energy sources through market-based support mechanisms. China and the EU reaffirm their willingness to strengthen their collaboration on smarter and more resilient energy infrastructure and storage capacity, also important for the integration into grid and large-scale utilization of renewable energy. China and the EU will discuss possible solutions, including interconnecting energy networks, to meet the global power demand with clean and green alternatives. China and the EU underline the importance of upfront collaboration and continued cooperation in multilateral energy fora, notably the G20 and the Clean Energy Ministerial.

(五)低排放交通:中歐雙方同意,低排放交通構成了溫室氣體低排放社會(huì )與經(jīng)濟領(lǐng)域廣泛而必要轉型的關(guān)鍵部分。雙方同意發(fā)起專(zhuān)家對話(huà),討論燃料經(jīng)濟性和輕重型載重汽車(chē)二氧化碳排放標準,包括低排放和零排放汽車(chē)的應用。

(5) Low-emission Transport: China and the EU agree that low-emission transport is a key component of the necessary broader shift towards low greenhouse gas emission societies and economies. They agree on the launch of expert dialogues on fuel economy and CO2 emission standards for light and heavy duty vehicles, including on the deployment of low and zero emission vehicles.


(6) Low-carbon Cities Cooperation: Recognising that cities and towns are key actors in the fight to mitigate climate change and to adapt to it, China and the EU express their willingness to reinforce the China-EU Low-carbon Cities Partnership, by mobilising resources to allow Chinese cities to benefit from EU technical and managerial experience. China and the EU engage in fostering the development of more city pairings between Chinese and European cities and local and regional governments, with a strong focus on sustainable urbanisation.

(七)應對氣候變化相關(guān)技術(shù)合作:中歐雙方認識到技術(shù)和科學(xué)合作的全球意義,強調多邊合作的收益。雙方重申關(guān)于參加“創(chuàng )新使命聯(lián)盟”的承諾及該聯(lián)盟關(guān)于加速清潔能源轉型的目標。雙方同意強化在氣候相關(guān)科學(xué)研究及技術(shù)創(chuàng )新合作方面加強協(xié)作,包括發(fā)展和應用碳捕集利用和封存等溫室氣體低排放技術(shù)以及制定和實(shí)施適應氣候變化方案。

(7) Climate-related Technology Cooperation: China and the EU recognise the global dimension of the technological and scientific collaboration, underlining the benefit of multilateral cooperation. They reaffirm their commitment to Mission Innovation and its aim to accelerate the clean energy transition. They agree to enhance their collaboration on climate-related scientific research and cooperation on technology innovation, including the development and deployment of low greenhouse gas emission technologies such as carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), and adaptation solutions.


(8) Investment in climate and clean energy projects: Recognising the need for finance for climate and clean energy projects, China and the EU welcome the Memorandum of Understanding signed by Chinese Ministry of Finance and European Investment Bank in 2016 to broaden the scope of the EIB investment in China in sectors such as low greenhouse gas emission public transport, climate resilience, energy efficiency, renewable energy and forestry.


(9) Cooperation with other Developing Countries: China and the EU will explore possibilities for triangular cooperation on promoting sustainable energy access, energy efficiency and low greenhouse gas emission development in other developing countries and assist them to increase the capacities in combating climate change, with particular focus on least developed countries, small island developing states and African countries, as reflected in these countries' national climate plans, strategies and policies.

(Source: fmprc.gov.cn)