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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-11-07 16:08:06  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟


China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) released a statement Thursday regarding the Statement by the U.S. Trade Representative on Section 301 Action released on July 10. The following is the full text of the statement.

一、美方污蔑中方在經(jīng)貿往來(lái)中實(shí)行不公平做法,占了便宜,是歪曲事實(shí)、站不住腳的。美方出于國內政治需要和打壓中國發(fā)展的目的,編造了一整套歪曲中美經(jīng)貿關(guān)系真相的政策邏輯。事實(shí)上,美國社會(huì )經(jīng)濟中的深層次問(wèn)題完全是美國國內結構性問(wèn)題造成的,中國經(jīng)濟的成功從來(lái)不是對外推行“重商主義”的成功,從來(lái)不是實(shí)行所謂“國家資本主義”的成功,而是堅定推進(jìn)市場(chǎng)化改革和不斷擴大對外開(kāi)放的成功。第一,關(guān)于“中美貿易不平衡”問(wèn)題。美方稱(chēng)對華存在大量貿易逆差,其數字是被高估的,且主要原因不在中國,而在于美國國內儲蓄率過(guò)低以及美元發(fā)揮著(zhù)國際主要儲備貨幣的職能,在于產(chǎn)業(yè)競爭力和國際分工差異,也在于美方出于冷戰思維,對自身享有比較優(yōu)勢的高科技產(chǎn)品出口實(shí)施人為限制。第二,關(guān)于所謂“盜竊知識產(chǎn)權”問(wèn)題。中國政府已建立了相對完整的知識產(chǎn)權法律保護體系,并不斷發(fā)揮知識產(chǎn)權司法保護主導作用,推進(jìn)設立知識產(chǎn)權法院和專(zhuān)門(mén)審判機構。2017年,中國對外支付的知識產(chǎn)權使用費達到286億美元,比2001年加入世貿組織時(shí)增長(cháng)了15倍之多。第三,關(guān)于所謂“強制技術(shù)轉讓”問(wèn)題。中國政府沒(méi)有對外資企業(yè)提出過(guò)此類(lèi)要求,中外企業(yè)的技術(shù)合作和其他經(jīng)貿合作完全是基于自愿原則實(shí)施的契約行為,多年來(lái)雙方企業(yè)都從中獲得了巨大利益。第四,關(guān)于“中國制造2025”等產(chǎn)業(yè)政策。在市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟條件下,中國政府實(shí)施這些政策主要是指導性、引領(lǐng)性的,并且對所有外資企業(yè)都是開(kāi)放的。具有諷刺意義的是,美國自身在農業(yè)和制造業(yè)都存在大量補貼。

I. The slander of the United States against China about gaining extra advantage through unfair trade practice is a distortion of facts and hence is groundless.

For the purpose of meeting its political need at home and containing China, the U.S. side produced a whole set of policy logics that distorted the truth of China-U.S. economic and trade relations. As a matter of fact, underlying problems in the American economy and society are purely caused by domestic, structural reasons in the United States. The success of the Chinese economy has never been a success of practicing mercantilism outside China or the success of practicing the so-called state capitalism. Rather it is a success of the commitment to market-oriented reform and continuous opening-up. First, China-U.S. trade imbalance. The U.S. side claims that it has massive trade deficit with China, but its number is over estimated, and the main reason for the deficit does not lie on the Chinese side. Rather it is because saving rate in the United States remains low, the U.S. dollar serves as international reserve currency, and the two countries differ in industrial competitiveness and international division of labor. Besides, the United States, due to its cold-war mentality, imposes restrictions on the export of hi-tech products which has comparative advantage. Second, the so-called theft of intellectual property. The Chinese government already put in place a full-fledged legal system to protect intellectual property rights, allowed judicial system to play a leading role in IPR protection, and promoted the establishment of IPR courts and dedicated IPR tribunals. In 2017, China paid 28.6 billion U.S. dollars worth of IPR royalty, a 15-fold increase from 2001 when China joined the World Trade Organization. Third, the so-call "forced technology transfer". The Chinese government did not make this kind of request to foreign companies, and cooperation between Chinese and foreign companies in technology and other economic and trade field is contract behavior purely based on voluntary principle. Both sides have reaped huge benefit from the cooperation over the years. Fourth, "Made in China 2025" and other industrial policies. Under market economy conditions, these policies implemented by the Chinese government are guiding documents in nature, and are open to all foreign-funded companies. The irony is that the country providing massive trade subsidy in agriculture and manufacturing happens to be the United States itself.


II. The United States' accusations that China neglects differences in trade and has not taken active measures are not true.

The United States claims that it has "patiently urged China" and that China ignored the U.S. request, but the truth is that trade differences have always been an important issue to China, who has been promoting the resolution of differences through dialogue and consultations with maximum sincerity and patience, with the hope to protect China-U.S. trade and economic cooperation, satisfy the growing needs for a better life of the Chinese people, and promote quality growth of the Chinese economy. From February to June this year alone, China engaged in four rounds of high-level economic talks with the United States, and has announced the China-U.S. Joint Statement with important consensus reached on strengthening trade and economic cooperation and avoiding a trade war. But due to domestic politics, the United States has gone back on its words, brazenly abandoned the bilateral consensus, and insisted on fighting a trade war with China. China has done its utmost to prevent the escalation of trade frictions. The United States is fully responsible for the current situation.

三、美方指責中方反制行動(dòng)沒(méi)有國際法律依據,其實(shí)恰恰是美方單方面發(fā)起貿易戰沒(méi)有任何國際法律依據。2017年8月,美方不顧中方和國際社會(huì )反對,單邊對華發(fā)起301調查。2018年3月,美國炮制出所謂301調查報告,不顧征求意見(jiàn)中高達91%的反對聲音,于7月6日對中國340億美元輸美產(chǎn)品加征25%關(guān)稅。7月11日,美國變本加厲,公布擬對中國2000億美元產(chǎn)品加征關(guān)稅的清單。美國301調查既在國內法項下違反其總統向國會(huì )作出的行政聲明,又在國際法項下違反其在1998年歐盟訴美世貿爭端案中作出的承諾。美國的征稅措施公然違反世貿組織最惠國待遇基本原則和約束關(guān)稅義務(wù),是典型的單邊主義、貿易保護主義、貿易霸凌主義,是對國際法基本精神和原則的公然踐踏。

III. The United States accused China's countermeasures have no international legal basis, but in fact it is the U.S. unilateral initiation of a trade war that has no international legal basis at all.

In August 2017, the United States unilaterally launched the Section 301 investigation against China despite opposition from China and the international community. The United States released a Section 301 investigation report in March 2018 and imposed 25 percent tariff on 34 billion U.S. dollars of Chinese exports to the United States on July 6 in disregard of 91-percent opposition in the comments it received. On July 11, the United States further escalated the situation by announcing a tariff list of Chinese products worth 200 billion U.S. dollars. Domestically, the 301 investigation runs counter to the U.S. President's Statement of Administrative Action approved by Congress; internationally, it has violated its commitment made in the resolution of the GATT trade dispute with the European Community in 1988. The tariffs are typical unilateralism, protectionism and trade bullying. They are a clear violation of the basic WTO principle of most-favored-nation treatment as well as the basic spirit and principles of international law.


IV. That China was forced to take counteractions is an inevitable choice to defend national interests and global interests, and is perfectly rightful, reasonable and lawful.

In facing repeated threats of a trade war by the United States, the Chinese government repeatedly stated its principled position of "not wanting a trade war, not being afraid of one, and having to fight one when necessary". The Chinese side insisted on not firing the first shot, and was forced into taking reciprocal countermeasures after the United States first started the trade war. China did this entirely for defending its national dignity and people's interests, defending the principles of free trade and the multilateral trading system, and defending the common interests of the countries across the world. The Chinese government has already taken the unilateralist actions of the United States to the Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the WTO. The Chinese government's measures, both bilateral and multilateral, to respond to the emergent situations resulting from the U.S. unilateral actions are in full compliance with the fundamental spirit and principles of international law.

五、美國打貿易戰不僅針對中國,還以全世界為敵,將把世界經(jīng)濟拖入危險境地。美方打著(zhù)“美國優(yōu)先”旗號,以一己之私,隨意“退群”,四面樹(shù)敵,不僅以知識產(chǎn)權為名對中國發(fā)起301調查,還以國家安全名義對全球主要經(jīng)濟體發(fā)起232調查,針對鋼鐵、鋁、汽車(chē)等重要產(chǎn)業(yè)制造貿易摩擦。目前,已有多個(gè)世貿成員對美國采取反制措施,并將美訴諸世貿組織爭端解決機制。可以說(shuō),美方發(fā)起的這場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟史上規模最大的貿易戰,不是中美之間的貿易戰,而是一場(chǎng)全球范圍的貿易戰。美國這么做,將會(huì )把世界經(jīng)濟帶入“冷戰陷阱”“衰退陷阱”“反契約陷阱”“不確定陷阱”,會(huì )嚴重惡化全球經(jīng)貿環(huán)境,戕害全球產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈和價(jià)值鏈,阻礙全球經(jīng)濟復蘇,引發(fā)全球市場(chǎng)動(dòng)蕩,殃及世界上眾多的跨國公司和普通消費者利益。

V. The United States is not only launching a trade war with China, but also with the whole world, dragging the world economy into danger.

When the United States willfully exits from groups based on its own interests under the pretext of "American First", it becomes an enemy to all. It not only initiates the 301 investigation against China based on IPR, but also launches the 232 investigation against key global economies in the name of national security and creates trade frictions in steel, aluminum, automobile and other key industries. At present, many WTO members have already taken countermeasures against the United States and requested consultations with the United States under the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. It is fair to say that this largest trade war in the economic history launched by the United States is not a trade war between the United States and China, but a global trade war. Such U.S. practices will drag the world economy into the "cold war trap", "recession trap", "anti-contract trap" and "the trap of uncertainty", seriously worsen global economic and trade environment, destroy global industrial chain and value chain, hinder global economy recovery, trigger global market fluctuations and hurt the interests of numerous multinationals and average customers in the world.

六、中方將繼續按照既定部署和節奏,堅定不移地推動(dòng)改革開(kāi)放,并與世界各國一道,堅定不移地維護自由貿易原則和多邊貿易體制。今年是中國改革開(kāi)放40周年,過(guò)去40年中國經(jīng)濟高速增長(cháng)靠的是改革開(kāi)放,未來(lái)推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟高質(zhì)量發(fā)展仍然要靠改革開(kāi)放。不管外部環(huán)境發(fā)生什么變化,中國政府都將堅持發(fā)揮市場(chǎng)在資源配置中的決定性作用,保護產(chǎn)權和知識產(chǎn)權,發(fā)揮企業(yè)家的重要作用,鼓勵競爭、反對壟斷,繼續推動(dòng)對外開(kāi)放,創(chuàng )造有吸引力的投資環(huán)境,堅定支持經(jīng)濟全球化,堅定維護國際經(jīng)貿體系,與世界上一切追求進(jìn)步的國家共同發(fā)展、共享繁榮。

VI. China will continue to firmly push ahead with reform and opening according to the plans and pace that are set, and work with the rest of the world to firmly uphold free trade and the multilateral trading system.

This year marks the 40th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up. Its high-speed economic growth in the past four decades hinged upon reform and opening-up, so will high-quality growth in the future. No matter how things change outside, the government of China will stay determined to let the market play a decisive role in resource allocation, protect property rights and intellectual property rights, give play to the major role of entrepreneurs, encourage competition and oppose monopoly, continue with opening-up, create an attractive business climate, provide solid support for economic globalization, safeguard international trade and economic system, and grow and prosper with all countries in the world that seek progress.

(Source: Xinhua)