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【中英文對照】習近平在杭州第十九屆亞洲運動(dòng)會(huì )開(kāi)幕式歡迎宴會(huì )上的致辭(全文)

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-09-25 16:26:44  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

9月23日中午,國家主席習近平和夫人彭麗媛在浙江省杭州市西子賓館舉行宴會(huì ),歡迎來(lái)華出席杭州第19屆亞洲運動(dòng)會(huì )開(kāi)幕式的國際貴賓。這是習近平發(fā)表致辭。[新華社記者 黃敬文 攝]

Chinese President Xi Jinping addresses a welcoming banquet in Hangzhou, capital city of east China's Zhejiang Province, Sept. 23, 2023. Xi Jinping and his wife, Peng Liyuan, on Saturday hosted a banquet here to welcome guests who will attend the opening ceremony of the 19th Asian Games. (Xinhua/Huang Jingwen)





Distinguished Colleagues,

Distinguished OCA Acting President Raja Randhir Singh,

Distinguished IOC President Thomas Bach,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


很高興同各位新老朋友相聚美麗的西子湖畔,共同迎接第十九屆亞洲運動(dòng)會(huì )。首先,我謹代表中國政府和中國人民,并以我和我夫人的名義,對各位嘉賓的到來(lái)表示熱烈歡迎!

I am delighted to join so many old and new friends by the beautiful West Lake celebrating the opening of the 19th Asian Games. At the outset, on behalf of the Chinese government and people, and in the name of my wife and myself, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our distinguished guests!

今天是中國農歷的秋分節氣。在這個(gè)寓意豐收和團圓的日子,亞運會(huì )圣火將再次在中國點(diǎn)燃。自申辦以來(lái),中國認真履行承諾,全力推進(jìn)各項籌辦工作。我們愿同亞奧理事會(huì )和各國各地區代表團共同努力,為世界呈現一屆“中國特色、亞洲風(fēng)采、精彩紛呈”的體育盛會(huì ),為亞洲和國際奧林匹克運動(dòng)發(fā)展作出新貢獻。

Today is the Autumn Equinox, known as Qiufen on the Chinese lunar calendar. On this day of harvest and reunion, the cauldron of the Asian Games will light up again in China. Since being honored with the right to host the Games, China has earnestly fulfilled its commitments and made every effort for its preparation. We look forward to working closely together with the Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) and delegations from all countries and regions to deliver to the world a great event that is distinctly Chinese, uniquely Asian and spectacular and to make new contribution to the Olympic Movement in Asia and the world.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


亞洲運動(dòng)會(huì )承載著(zhù)亞洲人民對和平、團結、包容的美好向往。

The Asian Games embodies the Asian people's shared desire for peace, unity and inclusiveness.

過(guò)去幾十年,亞洲地區總體保持穩定,經(jīng)濟持續快速增長(cháng),成就了“風(fēng)景這邊獨好”的亞洲奇跡。亞運會(huì )正是這一奇跡的見(jiàn)證者、參與者、推動(dòng)者。作為山海相連、人文相親的命運共同體,我們要以體育促和平,堅持與鄰為善和互利共贏(yíng),抵制冷戰思維和陣營(yíng)對抗,將亞洲打造成世界和平的穩定錨。

Over decades, Asia has enjoyed overall stability as well as sustained rapid economic growth, creating the Asian Miracle that is incomparable across the world. The Asian Games has not only been a witness to this achievement, but also a participant and a contributor. As a community with a shared future connected by mountains and rivers as well as cultural affinity, we should use sports to promote peace, pursue good neighborliness and mutual benefit, and reject Cold War mentality and bloc confrontation. We should make Asia an anchor of world peace.

本屆亞運會(huì )報名規模、項目數量均創(chuàng )歷史新高,彰顯了亞洲人民對杭州亞運會(huì )的熱切期盼和堅定支持。當前,人類(lèi)面臨的全球性挑戰前所未有,我們要以體育促團結,把握歷史機遇,合作應對挑戰,踐行“永遠向前”的亞奧理事會(huì )格言,把共同發(fā)展、開(kāi)放融通的亞洲之路越走越寬。

The 19th Asian Games has set a new record in the numbers of registered athletes and events, reflecting the great expectations and firm support of the Asian people for the Hangzhou Games. As humanity faces unprecedented global challenges, we should use sports to promote unity, seize the historic opportunity, and jointly stand up to the challenges. We should honor the OCA motto of "Ever Onward," and open up broader prospects for the Asian road toward common development, openness and integration.

亞洲是人類(lèi)文明的重要發(fā)祥地,創(chuàng )造了璀璨的文明。亞運會(huì )設置了諸多富有亞洲特色的比賽項目,為體育和文化交相輝映提供了舞臺,是亞洲文化兼收并蓄、博采眾長(cháng)、充滿(mǎn)活力的生動(dòng)寫(xiě)照。我們要以體育促包容,增強文明自信,堅持交流互鑒,續寫(xiě)亞洲文明新輝煌。

As an important birthplace of human civilization, Asia has fostered splendid cultures. The 19th Asian Games has included many disciplines with distinctive Asian features. It provides a platform to celebrate sports and culture, and showcases Asian culture that is inclusive, vibrant and always keen to learn from others. We should use sports to promote inclusiveness, enhance confidence in our civilizations, pursue exchanges and mutual learning, and renew the glory of Asian civilizations.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


千百年來(lái),杭州以“山水登臨之美,人物邑居之繁”享譽(yù)世界,被馬可·波羅譽(yù)為“世界上最美麗華貴之天城”。我曾在浙江工作多年。浙江堅持改革開(kāi)放,跑出了高質(zhì)量發(fā)展的加速度,正在建設共同富裕示范區,是中國式現代化的先行者。祝愿大家在詩(shī)畫(huà)浙江度過(guò)難忘的時(shí)光,在亞運會(huì )圣火下留下美好的記憶。

For centuries, Hangzhou has been known for its breathtaking natural beauty, rich endowment and a thriving cultural life. Marco Polo described it as "the City of Heaven, the finest and the noblest in the world." I once worked in Zhejiang Province for quite a few years. Committed to reform and opening up, the Province is now fast-tracking toward high-quality development. It is building a demonstration zone for common prosperity, and has become a pioneer in Chinese modernization. I wish you all an unforgettable experience in the picturesque Zhejiang and a fond memory by the flames of the Asian Games.


Now, I would like to propose a toast,

為本屆亞運會(huì )取得圓滿(mǎn)成功,

To the success of the 19th Asian Games,


To the advancement of the Olympic Movement,


To the unity and friendship of the Asian people, and


To the health of all distinguished guests and your families.




(Source: Xinhua)