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【中英文對照】李強在上海合作組織成員國政府首腦(總理)理事會(huì )第二十二次會(huì )議上的講話(huà)(全文)

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2023-11-10 16:29:59  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

當地時(shí)間10月26日上午,國務(wù)院總理李強在比什凱克出席上海合作組織成員國政府首腦(總理)理事會(huì )第二十二次會(huì )議。[新華社記者 岳月偉 攝]

Chinese Premier Li Qiang attends the 22nd Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member States in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, Oct. 26, 2023. (Xinhua/Yue Yuewei)



Your Excellency Prime Minister Akylbek Japarov,


很高興與大家相聚在古絲綢之路重鎮比什凱克。首先,感謝扎帕羅夫總理和吉爾吉斯斯坦政府為本次會(huì )議所作的精心準備和周到安排。

I am delighted to join you in Bishkek, a prominent city on the ancient Silk Road. At the outset, I wish to thank Prime Minister Japarov and the Kyrgyz government for the meticulous preparations and thoughtful arrangements made for the meeting.

在今年7月上合組織元首會(huì )議上,習近平主席同各國領(lǐng)導人就弘揚“上海精神”、構建更加緊密的上合組織命運共同體進(jìn)一步達成了重要共識,明確了重點(diǎn)任務(wù)。我認為,我們的政府首腦會(huì )議,就是要響應和落實(shí)好元首會(huì )議的精神。如何響應和落實(shí)?在行動(dòng)上,就是要細化“任務(wù)書(shū)”和“時(shí)間表”,一項一項推進(jìn);在思想上,需要對一些基本問(wèn)題、根本問(wèn)題,有更加清晰透徹的理解。認知更到位,行動(dòng)才能更自覺(jué)。下面,我想從更好踐行“上海精神”、落實(shí)元首會(huì )議共識的角度,圍繞三個(gè)問(wèn)題談些想法,與大家交流。

At the SCO Meeting of the Council of Heads of State last July, President Xi Jinping and fellow SCO leaders reached important consensus on promoting the Shanghai Spirit to build an even closer SCO community with a shared future, and identified the priority tasks for achieving the goal. As I see it, the objective of the Meeting of the Council of Heads of Government is to follow up on and deliver the outcomes of the Meeting of the Council of Heads of State. How do we do that? In terms of action, we need to flesh out the tasks and timetable, and implement them one by one. At the conceptual level, we need to develop a clearer understanding of some basic and fundamental questions. Only with a more accurate perception can we take more informed actions. In this connection, I wish to share with you my thoughts on three questions regarding how to better act upon the Shanghai Spirit and implement the consensus of the Meeting of the Council of Heads of State.

第一個(gè)問(wèn)題:我們?yōu)槭裁磿?huì )走到一起來(lái)?這就要回溯當初成立上合組織的出發(fā)點(diǎn),或者叫動(dòng)因,或者叫初心。中國人常講,不忘初心,方得始終。22年前,上合組織應地區國家共促友好、共保安全、共謀發(fā)展的愿望而成立。目前已經(jīng)從最初的“上海五國”發(fā)展到9個(gè)成員國、3個(gè)觀(guān)察員國、14個(gè)對話(huà)伙伴,成員國人口占全球近一半、經(jīng)濟總量約占全球四分之一。上合組織的發(fā)展,是“上海精神”的生動(dòng)寫(xiě)照,也彰顯了“上海精神”的生命力。我們走到一起來(lái),更直白地說(shuō),就是要使地區的事務(wù)由地區國家自己作主、商量著(zhù)辦,而不受域外國家的干擾、攪局和操弄。這又充分體現為我們相互間的包容性和整體上的自主性。在動(dòng)蕩不安、變亂交織的當今世界,我們重溫上合組織的初心尤為必要。初心是原點(diǎn),也是準星,是我們面對不確定性時(shí)的確定性指引。只有牢記初心使命,堅持團結協(xié)作,我們才能切實(shí)維護本地區的和平安寧,推動(dòng)本地區的發(fā)展繁榮,也才能為世界和平與發(fā)展注入更多確定性和正能量。

The first question is: What brought us together? To answer this question, we need to go back to the starting point of the SCO, in other words, the founding mission or original aspiration of this Organization. We Chinese often say, never forget why you started, and you can accomplish your mission. Twenty-two years ago, the SCO was founded in response to the shared aspiration of regional countries for promoting friendship, safeguarding security and pursuing development. Today, the Organization has grown from the original "Shanghai Five" to nine member states, three observer states, and 14 dialogue partners. SCO member states now account for nearly half of the world's population and about one quarter of the global GDP. The SCO's development is a vivid illustration of the Shanghai Spirit, and a clear example of its strong vitality. To put it plainly, we came together in the firm belief that regional affairs should be discussed and managed together by countries in the region, free from the disturbance, meddling and manipulation of non-regional countries. Such a belief is also reflected in our accommodation toward each other and our autonomy as a whole. In today's turbulent and changing world, it is all the more necessary that we review the founding mission of the SCO. It is where we started our journey, and also a lodestar providing a direction of certainty as we navigate the uncertain times. Only when we remain true to the founding mission and uphold solidarity and coordination can we truly safeguard peace and tranquility and boost development and prosperity in our region, and contribute more certainty and positive energy to world peace and development.

第二個(gè)問(wèn)題:我們一路走來(lái)有哪些重要的啟示?這就是要探尋上合組織的成功之道,從而汲取更好前行的智慧力量。回首過(guò)去,上合組織將發(fā)展階段不同、文化傳統各異的國家凝聚在一起,產(chǎn)生了強大的團結之力、合作之力、發(fā)展之力,為構建新型國際關(guān)系和人類(lèi)命運共同體作出了重要理論和實(shí)踐探索。在去年撒馬爾罕峰會(huì )上,習近平主席作了系統總結,強調要堅持政治互信、堅持互利合作、堅持平等相待、堅持開(kāi)放包容、堅持公平正義。這“五個(gè)堅持”是上合組織發(fā)展壯大的成功之道。前進(jìn)道路上,還有許多風(fēng)險和挑戰需要我們共同應對,我們既要審時(shí)度勢、隨機應變,更要堅持過(guò)去的成功之道,從中尋找更好相處、高效合作的思路辦法,不斷凝聚起實(shí)現更大發(fā)展的強勁動(dòng)力。

The second question is: What important things can we learn from our journey? By answering this question, we aim to find the key to the success of the SCO so as to gain wisdom and strengths for going even further. Since its inception, the SCO has brought together countries at different development stages and with diverse cultural traditions, and gathered a powerful force for solidarity, cooperation and development. In this process, it has made important explorations in both theories and practice for building a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind. At the Samarkand Summit last year, President Xi Jinping made a systematic summary of SCO's experience and stressed the importance of upholding political trust, win-win cooperation, equality between nations, openness and inclusiveness, and equity and justice. Our commitment to these five principles is the key to the success and development of the SCO. On our way forward, there are many risks and challenges that require a concerted response from us all. We need to keep abreast of the situation and adapt to the changing circumstances. More importantly, we need to hold onto the principles that enabled our past success, and seek inspirations from them for more effective interactions and more efficient cooperation. This way, we will be able to gather stronger driving force for greater development.


The third question is: How do we get to a better future together? This is a question about how to turn theories into practice, and make a blueprint into a real-life picture. In this process, I believe two things are vitally important. The first is about methodology, that is to keep our eyes on the larger picture and start from concrete steps. We need to act on the vision of a community with a shared future for mankind, and ensure solid progress of our cooperation in all areas of development, security and civilization. The second is about attitude, that is to work toward the same goal and contribute to each other's success. A bright future is never a windfall. Everyone should actively work for it and contribute their share, rather than passively look on or evade their task.

根據當前國際局勢和地區國家的實(shí)際情況,我提出幾點(diǎn)建議:一是共同筑牢地區安全屏障。堅決抵制外來(lái)干涉,反對陣營(yíng)對抗。盡快完善本組織應對安全威脅和挑戰機制,嚴厲打擊“三股勢力”和跨國有組織犯罪。二是共同推動(dòng)經(jīng)濟加快復蘇。合作建設安全、高效的交通體系,不斷推進(jìn)貿易投資自由化便利化,維護產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈供應鏈平穩暢通。中方愿繼續擴大進(jìn)口其他成員國優(yōu)質(zhì)產(chǎn)品。三是共同推進(jìn)“一帶一路”建設。上周,第三屆“一帶一路”國際合作高峰論壇在北京成功舉辦。來(lái)自151個(gè)國家和41個(gè)國際組織的代表參加了這場(chǎng)盛會(huì ),充分體現出共建“一帶一路”的巨大感召力和全球影響力。10年來(lái),共建“一帶一路”給世界帶來(lái)實(shí)實(shí)在在的成果,開(kāi)拓出一條通往共同發(fā)展的合作之路、機遇之路、繁榮之路,成為當今世界最受歡迎的國際公共產(chǎn)品、最大規模的國際合作平臺。中方愿與各方一道,加強高質(zhì)量共建“一帶一路”同各國發(fā)展戰略對接,進(jìn)一步推動(dòng)重要經(jīng)濟走廊建設。建好上合組織開(kāi)發(fā)銀行,以滿(mǎn)足成員國融資和發(fā)展需要。四是共同促進(jìn)人民相知相親。不斷深化教育、文旅、體育等合作,共同辦好上合組織民間友好論壇等品牌項目。中方支持更多高校加入上合組織大學(xué),倡議建立中國-上合組織應急醫學(xué)合作中心,歡迎更多專(zhuān)家學(xué)子來(lái)華交流研修。

In light of the current international situation and realities of regional countries, I would like to propose the following: First, we need to work together to strengthen the shield of regional security. We need to resolutely resist external interference and oppose camp-based confrontation. We need to improve the SCO's mechanism for tackling security threats and challenges as quickly as possible, and crack down hard on the forces of terrorism, separatism and extremism and transnational organized crimes. Second, we need to work together to speed up economic recovery. We need to jointly develop safe and efficient transportation systems, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and keep industrial and supply chains stable and smooth. China will continue to increase import of quality products from other SCO member states. Third, we need to work together to advance Belt and Road cooperation. Last week, the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held in Beijing. This grand gathering, which was attended by representatives from 151 countries and 41 international organizations, speaks volumes about the great appeal and global influence of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Over the past decade, the BRI has delivered concrete benefits to the world and blazed a path of cooperation, opportunity and prosperity that leads to common development. It has become the most popular global public good and the largest international cooperation platform in our world today. China is ready to work with all parties to further synergize high-quality Belt and Road cooperation with the development strategies of other countries, and push forward the building of important economic corridors. We need to work to establish an SCO development bank to meet the financing and development needs of member states. Fourth, we need to work together to promote mutual understanding and amity between our peoples. We need to continuously deepen cooperation in such areas as education, culture, tourism and sports, and ensure the success of signature programs such as the SCO Forum on People-to-People Friendship. China supports more higher learning institutions in joining the SCO University, proposes the establishment of a China-SCO emergency medical cooperation center, and welcomes more scholars and students to China for study and exchange.



吉爾吉斯民族英雄史詩(shī)《瑪納斯》中有句名言,“努力的人定會(huì )成功”。讓我們以更大的努力,踐行“上海精神”,深化互利合作,為各國人民創(chuàng )造更加美好的生活!

A famous line from the Kyrgyz epic Manas says that those who work hard will succeed. So let us work even harder to implement the Shanghai Spirit, deepen mutually beneficial cooperation, and create a better life for all our peoples!


Thank you.


(Source: Xinhua)