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【中英文對照】習近平在和平共處五項原則發(fā)表70周年紀念大會(huì )上的講話(huà)(全文)

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-07-01 13:53:49  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

6月28日上午,和平共處五項原則發(fā)表70周年紀念大會(huì )在北京人民大會(huì )堂隆重舉行。國家主席習近平出席紀念大會(huì )并發(fā)表題為《弘揚和平共處五項原則,攜手構建人類(lèi)命運共同體》的重要講話(huà)。[新華社記者 張領(lǐng) 攝]

Chinese President Xi Jinping attends the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and delivers an important speech titled "Carrying Forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, June 28, 2024. (Xinhua/Zhang Ling)



——在和平共處五項原則發(fā)表70周年紀念大會(huì )上的講話(huà)




Carrying Forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Jointly Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind

Address by H.E. Xi Jinping

President of the People's Republic of China

At the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

June 28, 2024



Distinguished Guests,

Diplomatic Envoys,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


70年前,和平共處五項原則正式發(fā)表,成為國際關(guān)系史上的偉大創(chuàng )舉,具有劃時(shí)代的重大意義。今天,我們在這里隆重集會(huì ),紀念和平共處五項原則發(fā)表70周年,就是要在新形勢下弘揚和平共處五項原則,攜手構建人類(lèi)命運共同體,為人類(lèi)文明進(jìn)步提供強勁動(dòng)力。

Seventy years ago, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were officially initiated. It marked a groundbreaking and epoch-making achievement in the history of international relations. Today we gather here to commemorate its 70th anniversary for the purpose of carrying forward these principles under the new circumstances, building together a community with a shared future for mankind, and providing a strong driving force for human progress.


At the outset, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, let me extend a warm welcome to all distinguished guests and friends present here!

在近現代人類(lèi)社會(huì )發(fā)展的歷史進(jìn)程中,處理國與國關(guān)系,共同維護世界和平與安寧,促進(jìn)全人類(lèi)發(fā)展與進(jìn)步,始終是各國不懈探索的重大命題。

In the course of the modern history of human society, handling well state-to-state relations, jointly maintaining world peace and tranquility, and promoting development and progress for humanity have always been big topics on the minds of all nations.

和平共處五項原則的創(chuàng )立是時(shí)代的呼喚、歷史的選擇。第二次世界大戰結束后,民族獨立和解放運動(dòng)風(fēng)起云涌,世界殖民體系土崩瓦解。同時(shí),冷戰陰云籠罩世界,“強權即公理”甚囂塵上。剛剛獲得獨立的新生國家渴望維護國家主權、發(fā)展民族經(jīng)濟。新中國堅持獨立自主,積極謀求同世界各國和平共處,努力改善外部環(huán)境尤其是周邊環(huán)境。在此背景下,中國領(lǐng)導人首次完整提出互相尊重主權和領(lǐng)土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉內政、平等互利、和平共處五項原則,并將其納入中印、中緬聯(lián)合聲明,共同倡導將五項原則確立為指導國家間關(guān)系的基本準則。

The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence answered the call of the times, and its initiation was an inevitable historic development. In the wake of the Second World War, national independence and liberation movements swept across the globe, and the colonial system around the world crumbled and collapsed. At the same time, the world was overshadowed by the dark clouds of the Cold War and menaced by the rampant clamors that "Might is right." Newly independent countries aspired to safeguard their sovereignty and grow their national economy. New China followed the principle of independence, actively sought peaceful coexistence with all countries, and endeavored to improve its external environment, especially in its neighborhood. Against this backdrop, the Chinese leadership specified the Five Principles in their entirety for the first time, namely, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. They included the Five Principles in the China-India and China-Myanmar joint statements, which jointly called for making them basic norms for state-to-state relations.

和平共處五項原則誕生于亞洲,迅速走向世界。1955年,20多個(gè)亞非國家出席萬(wàn)隆會(huì )議,在五項原則基礎上提出處理國家間關(guān)系的十項原則,倡導團結、友誼、合作的萬(wàn)隆精神。20世紀60年代興起的不結盟運動(dòng)將五項原則作為指導原則。1970年第二十五屆聯(lián)合國大會(huì )通過(guò)的《國際法原則宣言》、1974年第六屆特別聯(lián)大通過(guò)的《建立新的國際經(jīng)濟秩序宣言》,都明確采納五項原則。五項原則被相繼載入一系列重要國際文件,得到國際社會(huì )廣泛認同和遵循。

The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were born in Asia, but quickly ascended to the world stage. In 1955, more than 20 Asian and African countries attended the Bandung Conference. They proposed ten principles for handling state-to-state relations on the basis of the Five Principles, and advocated the Bandung spirit of solidarity, friendship and cooperation. The Non-Aligned Movement that rose in the 1960s adopted the Five Principles as its guiding principles. The Declaration on Principles of International Law adopted at the 25th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) in 1970 and the Declaration on the Establishment of the New International Economic Order adopted at the Sixth Special UNGA Session in 1974 both endorsed the Five Principles. With their inclusion in important international documents, the Five Principles have been widely recognized and observed by the international community.


Over the past 70 years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have transcended time and space and overcome estrangement, showing robust resilience and everlasting relevance. They have become open, inclusive, and universally applicable basic norms for international relations and fundamental principles of international law. They have made indelible historic contributions to the cause of human progress.


First, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have set a historic benchmark for international relations and international rule of law. They fully conform with the purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter, with the evolving trend of international relations of our times, and with the fundamental interests of all nations. In addition, they stress the importance of mutuality and equality in handling state-to-state relations, thus highlighting the essence of international rule of law, i.e. the intercorrelation of rights, obligations and responsibilities of all countries. The Five Principles provide a whole set of basic norms for peaceful coexistence among countries across political, security, economic and diplomatic domains. They constitute an unequivocal and effective code of conduct for all countries to follow in promoting the spirit of international rule of law and finding the right way to get along with each other.

第二,和平共處五項原則為不同社會(huì )制度國家建立和發(fā)展關(guān)系提供了正確指導。凡是遵循五項原則,即使社會(huì )制度和意識形態(tài)不同、歷史文化和宗教信仰不同、發(fā)展水平和體量規模不同的國家,也完全可以建立和發(fā)展相互信任和友好合作的關(guān)系。五項原則為和平解決國家間歷史遺留問(wèn)題及國際爭端開(kāi)辟了嶄新道路,超越了“集團政治”、“勢力范圍”等陳舊狹隘觀(guān)念和對立對抗思維。

Second, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have served as the prime guidance for the establishment and development of relations between countries with different social systems. When following the Five Principles, even countries that differ from each other in social system, ideology, history, culture, faith, development stage, and size can build a relationship of mutual trust, friendship and cooperation. The Five Principles offer a new path toward peaceful settlement of historic issues and international disputes, triumphing over obsolete, narrow-minded, antagonistic and confrontational mindsets such as bloc politics and sphere of influence.


Third, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have been a powerful rallying force behind the efforts of developing countries to pursue cooperation and self-strength through unity. They mirror the deep thoughts of developing countries about improving their future and about reform and progress. Inspired and encouraged by the Five Principles, more and more countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have voiced and extended support to each other, stood up against foreign interference, and embarked on an independent path of development. The Five Principles have also boosted South-South cooperation, and improved and further developed North-South relations.


Fourth, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have contributed historic wisdom to the reform and improvement of the international order. The Five Principles were initiated with the purpose of protecting the interests and pursuits of small and weak countries from power politics. They categorically oppose imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism, and reject belligerent and bullying practices of the law of the jungle. They have laid an important intellectual foundation for a more just and equitable international order.

歷經(jīng)70年歲月洗禮,和平共處五項原則已經(jīng)成為國際社會(huì )的共同財富,值得悉心珍視、繼承、弘揚。在此,我謹對共同倡導和平共處五項原則的老一輩領(lǐng)導人表示深切緬懷,對長(cháng)期以來(lái)堅持弘揚和平共處五項原則的各國有識之士致以崇高敬意!

Having traversed an extraordinary journey of 70 years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are a common asset of the international community to be valued, inherited and further promoted. At this moment, I recall with deep admiration leaders of the older generation who jointly initiated the Five Principles. I also wish to pay high tribute to the visionaries from all countries who have been promoting the Five Principles with perseverance over the years!


Ladies and Gentlemen,



The baton of history is passed from generation to generation, and the cause of human progress moves forward from one era to another as mankind seek answers to the questions of the times. Seventy years ago, our forefathers, who experienced the scourge of hot wars and the confrontation of the Cold War, concluded that the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were the crucial way to safeguard peace and sovereignty. This answer has withstood the test of international vicissitudes, and has become more appealing rather than obsolete. Seventy years later today, challenged by the historic question of "what kind of world to build and how to build it," China has answered the call of the times by proposing a community with a shared future for mankind. Today, this Chinese initiative has become an international consensus. The beautiful vision has been put into productive actions. It is moving the world to a bright future of peace, security, prosperity and progress.


The Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind carries forward the same spirit of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. Both are rooted in traditional Chinese values such as "Be kind to your neighbor," "Seek amity through integrity," and "Promote harmony among all nations." Both attest to China's diplomatic tenets of self-confidence, self-reliance, justice, protection of the disadvantaged, and benevolence. Both demonstrate the broad vision of the Communist Party of China to contribute more to humanity. Both manifest China's firm resolve to follow the path of peaceful development. The Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind is the most effective move to sustain, promote and upgrade the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence in the new circumstances.

這一理念立足于國與國命運交織、休戚與共的客觀(guān)現實(shí),樹(shù)立了平等和共生的新典范。中國主張各國不分大小、強弱、貧富都是國際社會(huì )平等一員,在國際事務(wù)中利益共生、權利共享、責任共擔,各國攜手應對挑戰、實(shí)現共同繁榮,建設持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開(kāi)放包容、清潔美麗的世界,推動(dòng)人類(lèi)社會(huì )實(shí)現更加安全、更加繁榮的和平共處。

The Vision captures the reality that all countries have a shared future and intertwined interests, and sets a new model of equality and coexistence for international relations. China believes that all countries, regardless of their size, strength and wealth, are equal members of the international community. They have common interests, common rights, and common responsibilities in international affairs. All countries should join hands to overcome challenges, achieve shared prosperity, build an open, inclusive, clean and beautiful world of lasting peace, universal security, and shared prosperity, and realize peaceful coexistence with greater security and prosperity for mankind.


The Vision responds to the world's prevailing trend of peace, development, cooperation and win-win, and opens up new prospects for peace and progress. China calls on all countries to bear in mind the future of humanity and the wellbeing of the people, and uphold their essential commitment to equality, mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence. We should all champion the common values of humanity, promote global governance that features extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, and cultivate a new type of international relations. We should all work together to implement the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative and the Global Civilization Initiative, advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and deliver more benefits to all peoples.

這一理念著(zhù)眼世界多極化和經(jīng)濟全球化的歷史大勢,豐富了發(fā)展和安全的新實(shí)踐。中國團結各方推動(dòng)構建人類(lèi)命運共同體走深走實(shí),實(shí)現從雙邊到多邊、從區域到全球、從發(fā)展到安全、從合作到治理的歷史跨越,有力引領(lǐng)和推動(dòng)了平等有序的世界多極化、普惠包容的經(jīng)濟全球化,為國際社會(huì )帶來(lái)和平穩定的前景,為各國人民增添繁榮發(fā)展的福祉。

The Vision keeps pace with the historic trend toward multipolarity and economic globalization, and inspires new ways to achieve development and security. China has been working together with all sides to take profound and real measures to build a community with a shared future for mankind. We have together enabled the Vision to make historic achievements - expanding from bilateral to multilateral, regional to global, development to security, and cooperation to governance. This has guided and boosted the efforts for an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization. It has given the international community broad prospects of peace and stability, and presented the world with more prosperity and development.

在歷史的關(guān)鍵當口回首過(guò)去、展望未來(lái),我們對人類(lèi)文明的探索沒(méi)有窮期,對建設美好世界的努力不會(huì )止步。無(wú)論世界怎么發(fā)展,都改變不了一個(gè)基本的事實(shí),那就是宇宙只有一個(gè)地球,人類(lèi)共有一個(gè)家園。我們要以同球共濟精神珍愛(ài)和呵護地球,為子孫后代留下一片生存的樂(lè )土。

Looking at the past and future at this critical moment in history, we believe our exploration for the betterment of human civilization will not end, and our efforts for a better world will not end. No matter how the world evolves, one basic fact will not change. There is only one Planet Earth in the universe, and the whole mankind have one common home. Our shared future depends on Earth. We must take good care of it, and leave a happy land for our future generations.


The future beckons with promise, and challenges must be tackled. At this historic moment when mankind have to choose between peace and war, prosperity and recession, unity and confrontation, we must champion more than ever the essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and we must always strive tirelessly for the lofty goal of building a community with a shared future for mankind.

——我們要堅持主權平等的原則。和平共處五項原則的精髓,就是所有國家一律主權平等,在此基礎上推動(dòng)各國權利平等、機會(huì )平等、規則平等,不能以大壓小、以強凌弱、以富欺貧。倡導平等有序的世界多極化,就是主張要確保各國都能在多極體系中找到自己的位置,都能在遵守國際法前提下發(fā)揮應有的作用,確保世界多極化進(jìn)程總體穩定和具有建設性。

We need to uphold the principle of sovereign equality. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence center on the principle of sovereign equality. And on that basis, they promote equal rights, equal opportunities and equal norms for every country. They reject the big subduing the small, the strong bullying the weak, and the rich exploiting the poor. An equal and orderly multipolar world means every country can find its place in a multipolar system and play its due role pursuant to international law, so that the process of multipolarization is stable and constructive on the whole.


We need to cement the foundation of mutual respect. Countries must make equality, mutual respect and mutual trust the ground rules of engagement. They should show respect for different historical and cultural traditions and different stages of development, for each other's core interests and major concerns, and for the development paths and systems independently chosen by people of all countries. We must jointly uphold the "golden rule" of non-interference, and jointly oppose acts of imposing one's will on others, stoking bloc confrontation, creating small circles, and forcing others to pick sides.


We need to turn the vision for peace and security into reality. The past and present have enlightened us that all countries must shoulder their common responsibility for peace, and commit to a path of peaceful development. They must work together to seek peace, safeguard peace, and enjoy peace. In today's interdependent world, absolute security and exclusive security are just not viable. The China-proposed Global Security Initiative is aimed to advocate the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security. It strives to achieve development and security through cooperation, and put in place a more balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture.


We need to unite all forces to achieve prosperity. An ancient Chinese philosopher observed, "The benevolent treat others with love, and the wise share with others benefits." As a Latin American saying goes, "The only way to be profitably national is to be generously universal." An Arab proverb has it, "With unity, the fire grows; without unity, the fire extinguishes." In the era of economic globalization, what is needed is not gaps of division but bridges of communication, not iron curtains of confrontation but highways of cooperation. China has been advocating a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, promoting high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and endeavoring to deliver on the Global Development Initiative. Our goal is to benefit all with the opportunity of development, to diversify development paths, to help all nations share development fruits, to encourage common development and prosperity for all countries in the global village, and to turn win-win into a solid consensus.

——我們要秉持公道正義的理念。沒(méi)有公道正義,強權政治就會(huì )橫行無(wú)忌,弱肉強食就會(huì )大行其道。面對新形勢新挑戰,聯(lián)合國權威和核心地位只能加強、不能削弱。聯(lián)合國憲章宗旨和原則從未過(guò)時(shí),反而更加重要。倡導共商共建共享的全球治理觀(guān),踐行真正的多邊主義,就是要堅持國際規則由各國共同書(shū)寫(xiě)、共同維護。世界上的事要由各國商量著(zhù)辦,不能允許誰(shuí)的“胳膊粗”就聽(tīng)誰(shuí)的。

We need to commit to fairness and justice. Without them, power politics will be the order of the day, and the weak will be at the mercy of the strong. In face of the new developments and challenges, the authority and central role of the United Nations can only be strengthened rather than weakened. The purposes and principles of the U.N. Charter are never outdated, and they are getting ever more important. China advocates the vision of global governance featuring extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit, and China believes in true multilateralism. Our goal is that international rules should be made and observed by all countries. World affairs should be handled through extensive consultation, not dictated by those with more muscles.

——我們要展現開(kāi)放包容的胸襟。世界各國猶如乘坐在同一條命運與共的大船上,這艘船承載的不僅是和平期許、經(jīng)濟繁榮、科技進(jìn)步,還承載著(zhù)文明多樣性和人類(lèi)永續發(fā)展的夢(mèng)想。歷史上,多元文明相互遇見(jiàn)、彼此成就,共同推動(dòng)了人類(lèi)社會(huì )大發(fā)展、大繁榮,書(shū)寫(xiě)了美美與共、交流互鑒的燦爛篇章。中方提出全球文明倡議,就是旨在促進(jìn)各國人民相知相親,促進(jìn)各種文明包容互鑒。這個(gè)世界完全容得下各國共同發(fā)展、共同進(jìn)步。不同文明完全可以在平等相待、互學(xué)互鑒中兼收并蓄、交相輝映。

We need to embrace an open and inclusive mindset. All countries are on board the same giant ship. It carries on it not only aspirations for peace, economic prosperity and technological advancement, but also the diversity of civilizations and the continuation of the human species. In history, different civilizations helped each other prosper through interactions, and brought about great progress and prosperity for mankind. This has left us with splendid chapters of mutual reinforcement and mutual learning among various civilizations. The Global Civilization Initiative proposed by China is aimed at increasing understanding and friendship among peoples and promoting tolerance and mutual learning among civilizations. The world is big enough to accommodate the common development and common progress of all countries. It is entirely possible for different civilizations to prosper together and inspire each other through mutual learning on an equal footing.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


70年歷史發(fā)展反復證明,加強團結合作、增進(jìn)溝通理解是各國共迎挑戰、共創(chuàng )未來(lái)的有效途徑。環(huán)顧世界,“全球南方”聲勢卓然壯大,為推動(dòng)人類(lèi)進(jìn)步發(fā)揮了舉足輕重的作用。站在新的歷史起點(diǎn)上,“全球南方”應當以更加開(kāi)放包容的姿態(tài)攜手共進(jìn),走在推動(dòng)構建人類(lèi)命運共同體的前列。

The past 70 years have proved time and again that an effective way for countries to meet challenges together and create a better future is to enhance unity, cooperation, communication and understanding. Of all the forces in the world, the Global South stands out with a strong momentum, playing a vital role in promoting human progress. Standing at a new historical starting point, the Global South should be more open and more inclusive, and join hands together to take the lead in building a community with a shared future for mankind.


Together, we should be the staunch force for peace. We should promote peaceful settlement of international disputes, and participate constructively in the political settlement of international and regional hotspot issues. Together, we should be the core driving force for open development. We should restore development as the central international agenda item, reinvigorate global partnerships for development, and deepen South-South cooperation as well as North-South dialogue. Together, we should be the construction team of global governance. We should actively participate in reforming and developing the global governance system, expand the common interests of all sides, and make the global governance architecture more balanced and effective. Together, we should be the advocates for exchange among civilizations. We should enhance inter-civilization communication and dialogue, and strengthen experience sharing on governance. We should deepen exchanges in education, science, technology and culture as well as subnational, people-to-people and youth interactions.


To better support Global South cooperation, China will establish a Global South research center. It will provide 1,000 scholarships under the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Scholarship of Excellence and 100,000 training opportunities to Global South countries in the coming five years. It will also launch a Global South youth leaders program. China will continue to make good use of the China-U.N. Peace and Development Fund, the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, and the Climate Change South-South Cooperation Fund, and will work with interested parties to set up a tripartite center of excellence for the implementation of the Global Development Initiative, so as to facilitate growth in Global South countries. It will renew the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility, and make an additional Renminbi contribution equivalent to US$10 million to be used to support agricultural development of the Global South. China is ready to discuss free trade arrangements with more Global South countries, continue to support the WTO's Aid for Trade initiative, and renew its contribution to the WTO's China Program. It welcomes more Global South countries to join the Initiative on International Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework for Digital Economy and Green Development. Between now and 2030, China's import from fellow developing countries is expected to exceed US$8 trillion.


Ladies and Gentlemen,



The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence has been written into China's Constitution long before. They are the bedrock of China's independent foreign policy of peace. At present, China is working to build a great modern socialist country in all respects and achieve national rejuvenation through the Chinese path to modernization. On this new journey, we will continue to champion the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, work with all countries to build a community with a shared future for mankind, and make new and greater contributions to safeguarding world peace and promoting common development.

中國走和平發(fā)展道路的決心不會(huì )改變。我們絕不走殖民掠奪的老路,也絕不走國強必霸的歪路,而是走和平發(fā)展的人間正道。在和平和安全問(wèn)題上,中國是世界上紀錄最好的大國。我們努力探索中國特色的熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題解決之道,在烏克蘭危機、巴以沖突以及涉及朝鮮半島、伊朗、緬甸、阿富汗等問(wèn)題上發(fā)揮建設性作用。中國力量每增長(cháng)一分,世界和平希望就增多一分。

China's resolve to stay on the path of peaceful development will not change. We will never take the trodden path of colonial plundering, or the wrong path of seeking hegemony when one becomes strong. We will stay on the right path of peaceful development. Among the world's major countries, China has the best track record with respect to peace and security. It has been exploring for a distinctly Chinese approach to resolving hotspot issues. It has been playing a constructive role in the Ukraine crisis, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and issues relating to the Korean Peninsula, Iran, Myanmar, and Afghanistan. Every increase of China's strength is an increase of the prospects of world peace.

中國同各國友好合作的決心不會(huì )改變。我們積極拓展平等、開(kāi)放、合作的全球伙伴關(guān)系,致力于擴大同各國利益的匯合點(diǎn)。中國促進(jìn)大國協(xié)調和良性互動(dòng),推動(dòng)構建和平共處、總體穩定、均衡發(fā)展的大國關(guān)系格局。中國堅持親誠惠容理念和與鄰為善、以鄰為伴周邊外交方針,深化同周邊國家友好互信和利益融合。中國秉持真實(shí)親誠理念和正確義利觀(guān)加強同發(fā)展中國家團結合作,維護發(fā)展中國家共同利益。中國踐行真正的多邊主義,積極參與全球治理體系改革和完善。

China's resolve to develop friendship and cooperation with all countries will not change. We will actively expand global partnerships based on equality, openness, and cooperation, and commit to expanding shared interests with all countries. China will promote coordination and sound interactions among major countries, and work to foster major-country dynamics featuring peaceful coexistence, overall stability, and balanced development. In its neighborhood, China will adhere to the principle of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit, and inclusiveness as well as the policy of developing friendship and partnership with its neighbors. It will seek to deepen friendship, trust and common interests with its neighboring countries. With developing countries, China will stay committed to the principle of sincerity, real results, amity, and good faith, and take the right approach to friendship and interests. It will strengthen unity and cooperation with developing countries and safeguard our common interests. China will practice true multilateralism, and take an active part in the reform and improvement of the global governance system.

中國促進(jìn)世界共同發(fā)展的決心不會(huì )改變。中國經(jīng)濟高質(zhì)量發(fā)展為世界經(jīng)濟增長(cháng)提供強勁動(dòng)力。14億多中國人民整體邁入現代化,意味著(zhù)形成一個(gè)超過(guò)現有發(fā)達國家規模總和的巨大市場(chǎng)。中國開(kāi)放的大門(mén)只會(huì )越開(kāi)越大,永遠不會(huì )關(guān)上。我們正在謀劃和實(shí)施進(jìn)一步全面深化改革的重大措施,繼續擴大制度型開(kāi)放,形成更加市場(chǎng)化、法治化、國際化的營(yíng)商環(huán)境。搞“小院高墻”、“脫鉤斷鏈”,是逆歷史潮流而動(dòng),只會(huì )損害國際社會(huì )共同利益。

China's resolve to promote common development across the world will not change. High-quality development of the Chinese economy will provide strong impetus to world economic growth. Modernization achieved by 1.4 billion Chinese people means the addition of a new super-large market larger than all developed countries combined. China will only open itself ever wider to the outside world. Its door will never close. We are planning to take, and in some cases already taking, major steps to further deepen reform across the board and expand institutional opening up. We will build a business environment that is more solidly based on market and rule of law and is up to international standards. "Small yard with high fences," decoupling, and severing industrial and supply chains simply run counter to the tide of history. They will do nothing but harm the common interests of the international community.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


“歷史的道路,不全是坦平的,有時(shí)走到艱難險阻的境界,這是全靠雄健的精神才能夠沖過(guò)去的。”這是中國革命先驅100年前說(shuō)過(guò)的話(huà)。今天,推動(dòng)人類(lèi)和平和發(fā)展事業(yè)的接力棒,歷史地落到我們這一代人手中。讓我們以紀念和平共處五項原則發(fā)表70周年為起點(diǎn),肩負歷史使命,攜手勇毅前行,共同推動(dòng)構建人類(lèi)命運共同體、開(kāi)創(chuàng )人類(lèi)社會(huì )更加美好的未來(lái)!

A forerunner of Chinese revolution wrote a century ago, "The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles. Nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them." Today, the historic baton of advancing world peace and development has been passed to our generation. Let us take the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as a starting point, shoulder the historic missions, and forge ahead together to build a community with a shared future for mankind and usher in an even better future for humanity.


Thank you.


(Source: Xinhua)