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【中英文對照】和平共處五項原則發(fā)表70周年紀念大會(huì )北京宣言(全文)

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-07-02 13:29:11  | 來(lái)源:中國網(wǎng)  | 作者:  | 責任編輯:李瀟

2024年6月28日,和平共處五項原則發(fā)表70周年紀念大會(huì )在北京隆重舉行。中華人民共和國主席習近平出席紀念大會(huì )并發(fā)表重要講話(huà),國務(wù)院總理李強主持大會(huì )。來(lái)自越南、緬甸、斯里蘭卡、老撾、泰國、印度尼西亞、馬爾代夫、埃及、埃塞俄比亞、南非、吉爾吉斯斯坦、摩爾多瓦、巴西、圭亞那、日本、韓國、意大利、法國、克羅地亞、斯洛文尼亞等國家的前政要,國際和地區組織代表、來(lái)自100多個(gè)國家的駐華使節、專(zhuān)家學(xué)者、友好人士、媒體和工商界代表等參加。會(huì )議發(fā)布《和平共處五項原則發(fā)表70周年紀念大會(huì )北京宣言》。

On June 28, 2024, the Conference Marking the 70th Anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence was held in Beijing. President Xi Jinping of the People's Republic of China attended the conference and delivered an important address. Premier Li Qiang of the State Council of the People's Republic of China moderated the conference. Former political leaders from countries including Viet Nam, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, the Maldives, Egypt, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Brazil, Guyana, Japan, Republic of Korea, Italy, France, Croatia and Slovenia, representatives of international/regional organizations, and diplomatic envoys, academics, friends, as well as representatives of the press and the business community from more than 100 countries were present at the conference. The conference issued the Beijing Declaration.


Under the theme of "From the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence to Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind" and with four sub-forums focusing respectively on the Contemporary Value of Asian Wisdom, the Vision and Mission of the Global South in a Shifting Landscape, Contributing to Global Prosperity through Chinese Modernization, and Promoting Global Governance Featuring Extensive Consultation and Joint Contribution for Shared Benefits, the commemorative events broadened consensus among the parties on building a community with a shared future for mankind.


As the host of the commemorative events, the Chinese side summarized the key viewpoints of the participants as follows:


1. 70年前,中國領(lǐng)導人首次完整提出互相尊重主權和領(lǐng)土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉內政、平等互利、和平共處五項原則,并將其納入中印、中緬聯(lián)合聲明,共同倡導將和平共處五項原則確立為指導國家間關(guān)系的基本準則,具有劃時(shí)代的重大意義。

1. Seventy years ago, Chinese leaders put forth in full the following Five Principles, i.e. mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression, mutual non-interference in each other's internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. These principles were included in China's joint statements with India and Myanmar, which called for establishing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence as the basic norm in state-to-state relations. The appeal has had an epoch-making significance.

2. 70年來(lái),和平共處五項原則歷久彌新,從亞洲智慧上升為開(kāi)放包容、普遍適用的國際關(guān)系基本準則和國際法基本原則,為人類(lèi)進(jìn)步事業(yè)作出了不可磨滅的歷史貢獻。

2. Over the past seventy years, the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have shown everlasting relevance. Informed by Asian wisdom, they have become open, inclusive, and universally applicable basic norms for international relations and fundamental principles of international law. They have made indelible historic contributions to the cause of human progress.

3. 和平共處五項原則符合聯(lián)合國憲章宗旨和原則,符合國際關(guān)系發(fā)展的本質(zhì)要求,同時(shí)更加突出相互和平等內涵,涵蓋了國與國之間在政治、安全、經(jīng)濟、外交等方面和平共處的基本規范,對推動(dòng)國際關(guān)系和國際法發(fā)展產(chǎn)生深遠影響。

3. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are consistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and reflect the underlying trend of international relations. With a greater emphasis on mutuality and equality, these principles provide a whole set of basic norms for peaceful coexistence among countries across political, security, economic and diplomatic domains, and have a far-reaching impact on the development of international relations and international law.

4. 和平共處五項原則為不同社會(huì )制度國家建立和發(fā)展關(guān)系開(kāi)辟了新路徑,推動(dòng)各國擺脫對立對抗思維,在平等和相互尊重基礎上和平共處,以和平方式解決分歧爭端。

4. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have opened a new path for the establishment and development of relations between countries with different social systems. These principles enable countries to break free from antagonistic and confrontational mindsets, coexist peacefully on the basis of equality and mutual respect, and resolve disagreements and disputes by peaceful means.

5. 和平共處五項原則促進(jìn)了發(fā)展中國家團結合作、聯(lián)合自強,鼓舞了發(fā)展中國家走出獨立自主的發(fā)展道路,也推動(dòng)了南北關(guān)系改善和發(fā)展。

5. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have bolstered the efforts of developing countries to deepen solidarity and cooperation and seek strength through unity. These principles have inspired developing countries to find independent paths of development, and contributed to the improvement and development of North-South relations.

6. 和平共處五項原則的出發(fā)點(diǎn)是維護發(fā)展中國家的正當權益,是對帝國主義、殖民主義和霸權主義體系的糾正,為推動(dòng)國際秩序朝著(zhù)更加公正合理方向發(fā)展奠定了思想基礎,提供了重要動(dòng)力。

6. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence were designed to protect the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries, and redress the systems of imperialism, colonialism and hegemonism. These principles have laid an intellectual foundation for and lent impetus to a more just and equitable international order.


7. 面對當前百年變局,和平共處五項原則煥發(fā)出更強大的生命力。推動(dòng)構建人類(lèi)命運共同體是新形勢下堅持弘揚和平共處五項原則的歷史必然,賦予和平共處五項原則新的時(shí)代內涵。

7. The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence are showing greater vitality amidst global transformations not seen in a century. Building a community with a shared future for mankind is a natural step for carrying forward the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence under the new circumstances, and enriches the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence with the imperatives of the new era.

8. 構建人類(lèi)命運共同體理念傳承了和平共處五項原則的精神內核,同時(shí)在和平共處五項原則基礎上創(chuàng )新性發(fā)展,立足各國命運與共的客觀(guān)現實(shí),明確了建設持久和平、普遍安全、共同繁榮、開(kāi)放包容、清潔美麗世界的總目標,為各國在共同地球家園攜手前行指明了方向。

8. The Vision of Building a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind carries forward the essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and builds on them to better reflect the reality that all countries share the same future. The overarching goal is to build a world of lasting peace, universal security and shared prosperity and one that is open, inclusive, clean and beautiful, which points the direction for all countries to work together on Earth, the planet we call home.

9. 各方積極評價(jià)中方提出的高質(zhì)量共建“一帶一路”倡議以及全球發(fā)展倡議、全球安全倡議、全球文明倡議,認為上述倡議對維護國際和平與安全、推動(dòng)世界可持續發(fā)展、促進(jìn)人類(lèi)文明進(jìn)步具有重要意義,為構建人類(lèi)命運共同體提供了切實(shí)可行的路徑。

9. The participants spoke positively of China's proposals for advancing high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, the Global Development Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, and the Global Civilization Initiative, and recognized their great significance for safeguarding international peace and security, promoting global sustainable development, and contributing to human civilization and progress. These initiatives offer concrete and workable pathways toward building a community with a shared future for mankind. 

10. 和平共處五項原則的精髓是主權平等,這是規范國與國關(guān)系最重要的準則。各國一律平等,不能以大壓小、以強凌弱、以富欺貧。世界多極化應是平等有序的,國際法對所有國家是平等統一適用的,應避免雙重標準和例外主義。

10. The essence of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is sovereign equality, which is the most important norm in state-to-state relations. All countries are equal. The big should not subdue the small, the strong should not bully the weak, and the rich should not exploit the poor. World multipolarity should be characterized by equality and order. International law should be applied in an equal and uniform manner to all countries. Double standards and exceptionalism should be rejected.

11. 相互尊重是國家交往的前提,是構建新型國際關(guān)系的基礎。各國歷史文化傳統、發(fā)展階段不同,應該尊重各國人民自主選擇的發(fā)展道路和制度模式,不應把自己的意志強加于人,不應干涉別國內政。大國尤其應該作出表率。

11. Mutual respect is a ground rule of state-to-state interaction and the basis of building a new type of international relations. Considering that countries differ in historical and cultural traditions and development stages, it is imperative to respect the development paths and systems chosen independently by the people of other countries, not to impose one's will on other countries, and not to interfere in their internal affairs. Major countries should set an example.

12. 各國都應走和平發(fā)展道路,堅持共同、綜合、合作、可持續的安全觀(guān),推動(dòng)構建更為均衡、有效、可持續的安全架構,應通過(guò)對話(huà)而不是對抗解決重大國際和地區問(wèn)題。

12. All countries should take the path of peaceful development, act on the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, work for building a more balanced, effective and sustainable security architecture, and resolve major international and regional issues through dialogue rather than confrontation.

13. 經(jīng)濟全球化時(shí)代,要以合作促發(fā)展,以合作謀共贏(yíng)。做大并分好全球經(jīng)濟“蛋糕”,讓發(fā)展成果更多更公平地惠及各國,推動(dòng)全球化朝著(zhù)普惠包容的方向發(fā)展。單邊主義和保護主義措施違背經(jīng)濟規律和市場(chǎng)原則,終將損人害己。

13. In the era of economic globalization, it is important to promote development and achieve mutual benefit through cooperation. It is also important to make the global economy bigger and let more countries have an equitable share in the benefits of development, thus making globalization more universally beneficial and inclusive. Unilateral and protectionist measures in violation of the laws of economics and market principles will end up harming all sides.

14. 弘揚和平共處五項原則對捍衛國際公道正義、踐行真正的多邊主義具有積極意義。要共同維護以聯(lián)合國為核心的國際體系,推動(dòng)共商共建共享的全球治理。烏克蘭危機、巴以沖突等熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題只能通過(guò)對話(huà)協(xié)商政治解決。氣候變化、人工智能等全球性挑戰必須通過(guò)開(kāi)放合作共同應對。

14. Promoting the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence is conducive to safeguarding international fairness and justice and upholding true multilateralism. It is important to jointly defend the international system with the United Nations at the center and advance global governance characterized by extensive consultation and joint contribution for shared benefit. Hot-spot issues, such as the Ukraine crisis and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, can only be resolved by a political settlement through dialogue and consultation. Global challenges, such as those emanating from climate change and artificial intelligence, must be addressed through open cooperation.

15. 不同文明交流互鑒是推動(dòng)人類(lèi)進(jìn)步的重要動(dòng)力。以開(kāi)放包容的態(tài)度尊重文明多樣性,不應奉行歧視性、排他性“文明優(yōu)越論”,不應蓄意挑起文明沖突。和平、發(fā)展、公平、正義、民主、自由是全人類(lèi)共同價(jià)值,是各國普遍認同的價(jià)值理念的最大公約數,應該共同堅持。

15. Exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations drive human progress. It is important to respect the diversity of civilizations in an open and inclusive spirit, reject the discriminatory and exclusionary notion of "civilizational superiority," and refrain from inciting clashes of civilizations. Peace, development, equity, justice, democracy and freedom are humanity's common values. They command the greatest global consensus and should be upheld by all.

16. “全球南方”是倡導和踐行和平共處五項原則的關(guān)鍵力量,要共同做維護和平的穩定力量、開(kāi)放發(fā)展的中堅力量、全球治理的建設力量、文明互鑒的促進(jìn)力量,為加強南南合作、促進(jìn)南北合作、推動(dòng)人類(lèi)進(jìn)步作出更大貢獻。

16. The Global South is a key force that advocates and practices the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. It should be the staunch force for peace, the core driving force for open development, the construction team of global governance, and the advocates for exchange among civilizations. It can make a greater contribution to South-South and North-South cooperation as well as human progress.

17. 各方贊賞中方提出的支持“全球南方”合作的重要舉措,包括:設立“全球南方”研究中心,未來(lái)5年向“全球南方”國家提供1000個(gè)“和平共處五項原則卓越獎學(xué)金”名額、提供10萬(wàn)個(gè)研修培訓名額,并啟動(dòng)“全球南方”青年領(lǐng)軍者計劃;中方將繼續用好中國—聯(lián)合國和平與發(fā)展基金、全球發(fā)展和南南合作基金、氣候變化南南合作基金,同有關(guān)方共同設立落實(shí)全球發(fā)展倡議三方合作示范中心,支持“全球南方”國家經(jīng)濟發(fā)展;中方將在國際農業(yè)發(fā)展基金續設南南及三方合作基金,增加1000萬(wàn)美元等值人民幣捐款,用于支持“全球南方”農業(yè)發(fā)展;中方愿同更多“全球南方”國家商談自由貿易安排,繼續支持世界貿易組織發(fā)起的促貿援助倡議并持續注資“中國項目”,歡迎更多“全球南方”國家加入《數字經(jīng)濟和綠色發(fā)展國際經(jīng)貿合作框架倡議》;從現在起至2030年,中國自發(fā)展中國家累計進(jìn)口額有望超過(guò)8萬(wàn)億美元。

17. The participants commended the announcements by China for supporting Global South cooperation, which include:

■ Establishing a Global South research center, providing 1,000 scholarships under the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence Scholarship of Excellence and 100,000 training opportunities to Global South countries in the next five years, and launching a Global South youth leaders program;

■ Further leveraging the China-U.N. Peace and Development Fund, the Global Development and South-South Cooperation Fund, and the Climate Change South-South Cooperation Fund, and working with interested parties to set up a tripartite center of excellence for implementing the Global Development Initiative, so as to facilitate growth in Global South countries;

■ Renewing the China-IFAD South-South and Triangular Cooperation Facility and making an additional Renminbi contribution equivalent to U.S.$10 million to be used to support agricultural development of the Global South;

■ Discussing free trade arrangements with more Global South countries, continuing to support the WTO's Aid for Trade initiative, renewing contribution to the WTO's China Program, and welcoming more Global South countries to join the Initiative on International Trade and Economic Cooperation Framework for Digital Economy and Green Development; and

■ Between now and 2030, China's import from fellow developing countries is expected to exceed U.S.$8 trillion. 


18. 各方高度評價(jià)中國式現代化取得的巨大成就,贊賞中國為維護世界和平、推動(dòng)同各國友好合作、促進(jìn)世界共同發(fā)展作出的不懈努力和貢獻。

18. The participants spoke highly of the enormous achievements in Chinese modernization and China's relentless efforts for and contribution to safeguarding world peace, promoting friendly cooperation with other countries, and advancing common development of the world.

19. 各方感謝中方為此次紀念活動(dòng)所做的周到安排,愿共同努力落實(shí)活動(dòng)期間達成的廣泛共識,繼續弘揚和平共處五項原則,推動(dòng)構建人類(lèi)命運共同體,開(kāi)創(chuàng )人類(lèi)社會(huì )更加美好的未來(lái)。

19. The participants were grateful for China's thoughtful organization of the commemorative events. They expressed readiness to work with China to turn into reality the wide-ranging consensus reached at the events, continue championing the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and build a community with a shared future for mankind in order to create a better future for human society.


(Source: Xinhua)